Tuesday, March 26, 2013


7:30 am
                Yesterday we had to put Tigger down. It is kind of a long story that I am not sure I want to go into, but I will summarize anyway.
                He had been going downhill all week. Getting more and more bent in his back and I was having more trouble getting him into his wheels and changing his diaper. Friday is when I came home to find all the computer cables chewed, then I went out for the evening. I gave him an extra pill, and he was really out of it in the morning. Would not eat his breakfast at first, though he finally did. Sunday was even worse. He did not eat at all. I let him outside and he lay in the dirt near the steps for the longest time. I finally brought him in, but he looked really out of it. And he had started doing this odd thing where he would sit and kind of arch his back with his head going gradually up and his eyes really vacant. Anyway, K got home around 1:30 and was checking him out, giving him some rubs, and he went to kind of lift him up and Tigger snapped and bit his hand. Well that kind of said it all. We left and spent the next several hours in the urgent care to get his hand looked at. They gave him antibiotic and told him to soak it. It has really swollen up, probably from the force of the injury, though of course K is worried about infection. Anyway, that made us realize that it was time, and we decided to take him to the vet in the morning. We called and they could do it at 10:30, so I actually drove to work to get a bit done then came back. Poor K was sitting here just giving the T lots of rubs, which he did seem to like right up to the end. We managed to lift him in a rug and in his old crate. Unfortunately we did have to wait quite a while for the Doctor to arrive which was hard. Just lots and lots of rubs. Anyway, now he is gone and it is certainly odd. One thing is clear and it is what makes me most sad- no one will ever again give me such never ending unconditional love as he did. It is an odd mix right now between wanting to remember the good parts, and then also knowing that things will be a lot easier. It was really really hard over the past year or so. Gradually harder so this past week was really bad. But we will miss him. His silly behaviors, his cuteness, his eagerness. It was actually odd to do my stretches this morning and not have him right there to lick my hand.
                Didn’t do much last night.  Well, I gave the buns hay and brought the babies in, and checked weather before that to see if it would be cold, and I hunted for Gs school awards records, and read them off to her, and I started a fire and brought in wood, so I guess I did not do nothing, just nothing that felt very accomplished. I went to bed early, and read a bit more of Confederacy of Dunces which I am enjoying though it is odd.
                And what about today? Well, on a few other notes: yesterday I also dropped Mom’s tax stuff off  with the accountant, and over the weekend I finally managed to write something up to send off to the woman about renting the farm. Those felt like big huge burdens off my back. And I finished all the sea urchin lab grading and returned those yesterday. So things feel a lot lighter, at least momentarily. I do have the fern assignments and the angiosperm II assignments to grade, and the proposals to look at, and tomorrow I will get 2 sets of pre-labs. And then there is a lovely meeting tonight in Cummington with the fairgrounds committee. Oh lovely. So it is not like everything is free and clear, time to Party, but I feel a bit less burdened with things hanging over my head. I think I might even set up to spin some of the orangey angora that I carded last week.                            
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