Wednesday, July 30, 2014


8 am
                Just got up. And wow there’s no time to do anything these days including write, because: every hour I must do shrugs, every two hours I must do pendulums, then passively assistedly lift my elbow and push my hand to the wall. And between all that I must feed buns am and pm, empty the d washer, fill the d washer, put in laundry, take out laundry, hang laundry, cook supper, make, eat and clean up from breakfast and lunch. Beyond all that yesterday I: called Mom, wrote her a letter to send the photos (of our bike trip) that I finally got printed, read some of Tree Grows in Brookline and did a bit of combing. Oh, I forgot about getting on the exercise bike. I managed to do 2 20 min sessions on that, and then there is taking a shower. And to add to feeding bunnies I picked enough plantain for all of them after supper. And that is ALL I did. Well, add in some phone conversations to figure out how I will get to today’s PT appointment, and a longer one w a friend. And of course everything takes at least twice as long as usual, and while on the phone I can do nothing else…
                Ok now I am tired from the one-handed typing. Time to do all the pt stuff etc etc etc…….
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