Wednesday, January 04, 2012


7:45 am
                Brrrr it’s very very chilly as in 8 degrees. Sounds more interesting in celcius though I don’t know that offhand. Don’t have to go in until late today, since I am staying for my spinning class until 10. Early afternoon we have a meeting for 200. I don’t know yet if we will be having any student TA’s, or what our schedules will be or anything.
                I did my first tutoring yesterday. It went well, or at least I enjoyed it and he seemed engaged. We’ll see if he finds it helpful as time goes on. And it would be nice if I could hear something from his teacher about what he plans to focus on. I just went over some really basic stuff about energy, the purpose of photosynthesis, atoms and molecules, things that I hope will help him understand what his teacher is talking about better.
                As for this morning, I must do buns, meditate (I have decided I am going to TRY very hard to meditate twice every day in the hopes that it will help my stomach), pull things together to leave (need to get bobbins and a dye pot to bring for class) and then I hope there will also be time to finish spinning the white angora I have on the old lendrum. I spun a bunch of it last night at Webs. There were a lot of new people there. I guess that is a good thing. In fact, 2 new people were at First Person Sunday night too – wow, expanding my social circle I guess. One person last night sat and spun away on a drop spindle quite intensely. Another did that also, then she had one of the demo wheels and was trying that but had trouble, so I finally helped her with drafting. Then there was a young couple who have somehow just been bitten by the spinning bug. They went to a bunch of ag fairs and saw spinning and it looks relaxing, so now they bought a wheel and need to figure out what to do with it. It seems funny to be in a place where you can be struck by something and just decide to take it on all in a whoosh. There’s no way right now I could take on some big new thing. Or if I did I’d need to rearrange a lot of other things – give a lot of other things up I suppose. Well, they did not bring anything to spin with so they just watched and asked questions. I picked up a friend who brought knitting, but she did not actually do any, she just sat and talked with another friend and looked forlornly at her knitting instructions because it has been so long since she was working on the mittens she brought, that she cannot remember where she is or what needs to be done. She is going to come over Fri for tea (while I must wait for the furnace folk to come service the furnace) so maybe I’ll suggest she bring it and I can help her. 

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