Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post Fair Post

7 am
                Day after Memorial Day. What a huge relief that the fair is all OVER. Even though it was cold and rainy and no one came. Well not no one, but it was slow and worst of all – I sold exactly one bunny and that for half price for a 4H camp. So, really the worst part: today and tomorrow I must take care of a big bunch of the oldest babes. Because Wednesday we leave for Schenectady. Bad move going on a tip right after the fair. I am way majorly overwhelmed. There is so damn much to do to put stuff away, now I must deal with the bunnies.
                Yesterday we started out at the farm. K came to the fairgrounds to pick me up, and we drove there, but he arrived with a headache coming on. So I drove, and we pretty much went to bed when we arrived – stopped to say hello to family who were eating supper. We had originally thought to hike on the AT. But bc G took the other car, we only had one, so we could not spot cars. So then we decided it would be good to bike on the bike trail in Adams. But I guess putting the bikes on the car was too much with the headache and all, so at that point we were back to hiking. But then somehow we decided we should just go home and bike the bike trail here. I had to stay long enough to visit some with Mom, And she did not get up for ages. So we hung around a bit, she finally got up and I cooked her an egg, then we left. By then the headache was coming back, so by the time we got home around 11:30 K went back to bed. So I decompressed a little, wrote up some fair notes, and then, rather than clean the fridge which I was afraid would disturb him, I started in on the garage. The one good note of the day: I LOVE Freecycle!!! I put together a box of automotive stuff that we will never use, put it on freecycle, and some one came (walked over from Boulders) and picked it up! YES! I will be doing more of this…..
                So that was yesterday. I was busy and kind of frantic and yet as usual did not seem to get that much accomplished. Story of my life. One thing I did was try to write up what I did all the three days I was at the fair (including Friday). And I could hardly remember what I did. And it did not seem like I actually did much, yet I was running around all three days. I guess a lot of what I did was to kind of case the joint, walk here and there and just check in with people throughout the day. So I did a lot of talking. Is that useful/necessary? I do not know. If I am not doing it next year will it make any difference at all? I also do not know. Not sure what I’ll do next year. To be honest part of me  did not want to be there this year. Once there it was ok, I do like that role of checking in with everyone. Kind of acting like a big boss I guess. Saddest part (well besides that no bunnies were sold) was when I realized my mp3 would not play the music I attempted to put on it. I was listening to Pittbull and having a grand time, then it stopped and nothing else would play. Oh well. I did manage to get the librevox book back on, I will have to try again with the music. Maybe once I am done with the book so I don’t lose it again.
                But really, today is mainly about doing bunnies. Like as in first thing will be to dig a big hole. Probably two holes. G is heading to BJ’s. Once she gets back I must drive her to work, and be back here by 9 to be here when Stan the Fixit Man arrives to do the basement – YAY! So that will also happen. And I need to move fair stuff to the other house garage. But first I have to get the rest of it from S – she took some home. And somehow I must get a few things that I left in Cummington – the old wheel and a sign board. Maybe I will just wait until I am leaving tomorrow to head to Springfield to pick up K. And I also must pack for the trip. Ugh.
OK I guess I’d better get moving……
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Thursday, May 02, 2013

Bunny Tea

6:40 am
                It is such an incredibly decadent luxury to wake up and lie here abed. I will need to get out of the habit once summer starts in earnest. But for now it is very luxurious. And of course tomorrow I will not be able to do it, as I must get to work at 9. And for several days after that I will be grading the exam. But for today I have NOTHING to do for work. Does not mean I have nothing to do…..
                Yesterday, before leaving at 11:30 (supposed to be at 11, but…) in order to have time to get to the gym, then the class on Google Drive, then get bunnies to the library tea and then to the accessibility services bunny event and then my study session, I managed to do more cleaning of Dylan. And I cooked a bunch. Let’s see, I baked the cookies that I had mixed up Tues night, and I baked the bread I had started. But the dough was too wet so I ended making one normal loaf on the baking tray that ended up kind of flat, and then put what would have been 2 more loaves into a bread pan. It did rise a bit but not a lot, and it rose more when I baked it. We’ll see how it is when I try to slice it for toast this morning.  
                Dylan’s coat is so dense and he is not plucking readily. It is a bit short also. So mainly I have been combing out the thick mats that are around his neck area. He has a lot of Giant characteristics which makes him so hard to pluck. I’d like to see how the new white babes look as they get older. I have a lot of male babies this year. I will see how the 3 fawn ones look and may keep one of them. And I may keep a different white male, too.
                All that described above pretty much took care of the morning. Well I also did some laundry and dish stuff. I only had time to run for half an hour. And that time of day there were no music videos, just shows. MTV had some stupid reality type thing on – an offshoot of 16 and pregnant – VH1 had something about Pink which turned out to be interesting, but I prefer music. And to be honest I am really sick of hearing about Jessie Ware. Everywhere I turn she is being interviewed or talked about as the newest big thing. And they only ever have her singing the one song that she sings in the video in which she oh so slowly turns and turns in her very tidy bun. It is a really boring video and I find the song pretty dull, too. Ok. I got to the Google Docs class and it was pretty good. I took notes on a computer they had there with a nasty keyboard that was so very loud I felt like I was bugging everyone, but too bad since it was their stupid computer. Then I went back to my office and hung out until the librarian came to help me drag the buns to the library tea at 4. It was a big hit as ever. These are undoubtedly THE most photographed bunnies in the universe. The Stimpson room was a bit of a mob scene. But a well-mannered one.  A former student was there and she did her bunny hypnosis so ended up with a bunny fast asleep upside down on her lap. Very cute. Oh and by the way, we need to try Pho Saigon restaurant in Springfield, they say it is very good.
                So after the library bunny tea, we hauled the buns to AccessAbility services for their event. I got supper at Blanchard and hung around until it was time to walk over to get the car so I could pick the buns up for the study session. Which turned out to be really fun. There was quite a group and we went through slides, then talked chicks, then went over drosophila, then abc model.  And they held buns.
                It is luxurious to lie here writing, but to be honest I am getting really hungry! I wish I had some nice quark, but it all ended up going bad when I was not able to eat much. I guess I’ll have to get more started.
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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Bunny News and Other Stuff

6:30 am
                Such a very long time it has been. The usual happened – things just got too crazy at work. And besides that there are lots and lots of baby bunnies which for a while meant taking them in every night and bringing them back out in the morning bc it was cold. But now it is warm and all are big enough to be out all night. And… I am done with lab grading!!!! Just have to do the exam after they take it on Thursday night. Friday I will go in to help take the exam apart, I will get my page. Then there are still the students that get extra time, so I either have to get those on Saturday, or I might just stay Friday, do other stuff, and get them at the end of the day so I can start with the grading right away. As for other stuff, there is plenty to do. I can finish cleaning up the other lab room, I can do some evaluation and organization of the 145 lab prep stuff, and I can do some things for 328 in the fall. I need to order some new equipment. And I can go in to take the exam apart at 9, then go over to the gym after that. And be there for knitting which is always good.
                I walked into town yesterday as a way to get exercise first thing, and besides that to vote in the special election primary. They were expecting really low turnout, so I thought I really ought to do my duty. Not sure exactly what I will do today, I need to be in at 1 so I might leave earlier and do the gym. On my walk yesterday I thought a lot about ways to get the word out about the fair. I thought about all kinds of groups, places where people meet and gather, and that I could get brochures to them: book clubs, sports groups, schools. I’ll have to work on that. Also gotta get my head around the drop in spin stuff. The meeting Sunday went well enough, now I must do all the stuff I said I would do…
                I did some plucking yesterday: finished Bathsheba, started Dylan. He does not really seem ready. He is a bit matted in places, so I think I will just brush and clean him, not really pluck. Did Bart. Now I need to clean up Daffodil and Dinah – both were plucked recently but have those little fringes and some odd left behind bits. And Excelsior needs to be cleaned up, she has tags hanging off.
                Time to get going. I will go in today with lots of baby bunnies: bunny tea at the library, bunny No Study Zone at accessibility services, then a study session in the evening.
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