Thursday, August 15, 2013

Class, Rides and Freecycle

6:30 am
            For some reason this morning, having done nothing else yet (except have my psillium – YUM) I feel compelled to write. After that I will meditate, then do whatever is next: stretches, bunnies, breakfast. My class is now > ½ over which I am glad of. It is pretty tiring/wearing. They are good kids, but they are having a very hard time mastering spinning. The old solid-wood, hand-made wheel keeps breaking – the footman plastic piece broke, I replaced it with bike inner tube – very brilliant of me, but that pulled out, I fixed it, it pulled out again. I have brought it home and given up on it, except that I ordered a new part, but that won’t come until after the class is over. Today we will start out focusing again on spinning, then we will do some felting. I wish I could keep them longer on the drop spindles, but of course they all want to move to wheels which look like a lot more fun. Next time I will not even bring wheels until later in the week. Not even let them know they are available.
            After class I got together with a friend who happened to be in town. It was nice except I made the big mistake of having black caffeine-rich tea. And could hardly get to sleep last night. I thought I might sleep later, but woke up and so why not get going? I believe I am going to meet a fair co-chair before class. I think I will bike up, maybe go a long way around, but not do an actual big ride. Yesterday I rode 15 miles and it indeed took 1 ½ hours (which included a pee break at Town Hall and another in the woods). Some good hills in there.
            This morning it would be very nice if I have a bit of time to spin. I did half of a skein of the nice fully blended lichen stuff which I am liking. I’ll do the other ½ ounce, ply that, then start in on some larger bobbins. And I started knitting the square that will become the bunny for my friend’s grand-daughter.  I really need to knit up some more of those for sale. And I need to pursue this store that is starting up – the woman wants commissions, and I think I will give it a try, even though she takes 40%. That is a lot, but really by the time I pay booth fees plus spend all day or weekend at the booth, well there goes a lot of anything I make.
            The white baby buns are getting quite large and are pretty much ready to go. I will see if I can do them over the weekend, that would help make daily care a bit easier. I put in another Craig’s List ad for the dark boy bunnies, we’ll see if anything comes of it. The Freecycle listings have been quite successful – both corner desks, the bureau, the couch, and the tv tray tables have all gone. Oh, plus the snorkel stuff that I got a call on literally as soon as I pressed send on that listing. No takers for the disgusting green chair. Maybe I’ll try again. Or maybe we can put it outside with a FREE sign, as long as it does not stay out when it rains.
            I did finally start to tackle my work email. The thing that made it bearable was that I started out with deleting messages. Lots and lots and lots of them. That is satisfying, except that it barely seems to have made a dent in the total number! Well I will keep at it. I will try to do some more this morning. Along with everything else…. I did manage to get to UMass on Tues to pay G’s tuition bill so that is good.
            Ok, time to meditate, then get going with everything else.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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