Sunday, August 04, 2013

Making a Bike Trailer and Plucking Buns

7 am
                Actually feeling a bit crappy this morning. We went to a Mexican rest.  last night for supper (K) and margaritas (both of us) well and I also had chips and salsa. It was all not such a good idea and I was uncomfortable all night. I’ve been doing fine with an occasional beer so I should stick with that. Then I got up this morning and looked out the window to see an escaped bunny. And I had a sneaking suspicion last night after I fed them and came back in that I may have left a cage open. It would have taken 10 seconds to recheck, but no, too lazy after that margarita. So I paid this morning. She was a bit of a pain to catch, but I brought out a dish of food and she actually came to that, something that usually does not work. Worked this time and I was very glad. I think she was actually glad to be back in her cage, too.
                Yesterday I washed bags!! WOO HOO. Still it is nice not to have that huge mess of them by the sink. And I did a bit of spinning of the purple angora. For the final 2 skeins I decided to add in a touch of yellow, we’ll see how those end up. And I finished plucking Flora, and started in on Bart. His coat is not that long, but it is loose, so I will just take off the longest bits. Then I need to move on to Daffodil and Amber. I got an email yesterday from someone who bought a bunny 2 ½ years ago and he is wheezing. Darn. Not too much she’ll be able to do about that. I hope it stays low level and ok for a while.
                Around 3 yesterday I took off on the bike, about 15 miles and reasonably hilly at least in the middle there. I got a sub at Subway, then went over to where someone was running a bike clinic through Transition Towns. He talked a bit about changing tubes and lubing and I did learn a few things so that was good (one can patch a flat without actually taking off the wheel, who’da thunk that??). Then he showed us how to make a bike trailer out of bamboo. And we cut some of his bamboo that the others (a bunch of interns from a local CSA farm) will take back and lash together to make the beginnings of 2 carts. They need to come up with wheels and then in 2 weeks there will be another session in which they will finish the carts. When I left I asked if I could come back and get bamboo for a cart and he said I could. So gotta work on that. And how to find a couple of wheels.
                There was talk about going for a bike ride this morning with J. I don’t know what has come of that. I guess K emailed and is waiting to hear back. I sure wish people we capable of planning things ahead, that works better for me. Speaking of planning ahead… I need to get things ready for the class I will teach NEXT week, and I MUST start tackling things to get ready for work which will start in about 3 weeks…. AAUUGG!
                Time to eat. What I do not know. Time to feed buns. Time to get dressed. I did do stretches, and I did them yesterday, too. My back has been hurting which it really has not done since the biking craze started, so I must get back to stretches. Amazing how stiff my legs were. Strong maybe, but also stiff. I wish Rob would send his mailing address so I could send him his i-phone holder. Today what I really need to do is some major cleaning in the house. Or not really cleaning, more putting things away. Like the tent we used in Maine and all the other camping gear that I got out to organize. I should make a trip to the rental house to put some  stuff away in the garage for storage and to get stuff that I’ll need for the class.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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