Thursday, November 16, 2006

getting ready

yippee I'm getting ready for this next fair. That is one good thing about my job - I work 20 hours a week and get Thurs off, so when I can, I spend the whole day doing fibrous stuff. Today I did a little more dyeing, I set up a sample table, and I finished a few bags. Oh, and in between there I had to zip to my daughter's school to bring the clementines she was supposed to have but had forgotten - such a good mom, right? As to the dyeing, I did some little 1/4 ounce bits of roving with Kool-Aid to include with CD drop spindles in some little mini spinning kits. The next step - to be completed sometime between now and Sat - will be to write up some good instructions. I've been drawing little illustrations for it and having a surprisingly good time. I'm not much good at keeping the camera handy, but I will include a photo of some hats, just to liven the post up.

1 comment:

ChickenBetty said...

Oh, the hats look delicious!
I bet you had a great time at the Holiday Fair today. Can't wait to hear about it on Monday. :)