Tuesday, February 01, 2011

SNOW! Qu'el Surprise!

8:45 am
                Well I gave up on my stretches after 2 long phone calls. So I am writing since this is my one day of the week I do not have to go into work. What to say? It is snowing – woooooheee what a surprise. Big storm, no school, possibly no school tomorrow which may make it hard to get in to work, but I will have to manage it somehow. I have all sorts of photos of the snow thus far, which I will post, and all kinds of photos of Temenos - woods in snow.
So here's us and bunnies in the snow:

And here's the lovely snow at Temenos:

                Of course Temenos was wonderful. I wrote a lot while there (in my journal obviously) so I don’t think I’ll write about it here. Or maybe I will later. Work is settling into its routine. There was a lot of hassling about with stuff yesterday – mostly the video equipment and figuring out lab conference. And finalizing who will be in which labs. I will teach Wed/Thurs/Fri afternoons, but I do get one room, no need to switch around.
                One big thing that I need to work on today is getting some word split and brought in. There is still a good bit in the garage, but there is also a lot of those hunking big chunks that could stand to be split. And beyond that and what is in the garage, I think we are done with the dry stuff. I would hate to start trying to burn the green stuff.
                Ok. Very unsatisfying morning pages, but I think I will get moving.
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