Wednesday, December 21, 2011

grumps and booth photos

8:20 am
                Been getting up really late these days. Lazy bum I guess, but also I have not been sleeping well and I can blame it in part on the dog. He has not been sleeping well and that makes for rough nights for the rest of us. I have an appointment to take him to the vet tomorrow. They, as happens with doctors in general, will probably have no idea and won’t say much. Well, he also has that lump near his butt and we may need to get that removed.
                Boy have I also been in the worst mood. Happens when classes end. I guess I no longer have that schedule or stimulation to keep me going. just grading. The college is being completely closed Dec 23 – Jan 2 and after that the prof is off to a conference to SC so we need to figure out when we are doing grades. I am annoyed (mad, upset) because of his announcement the other day that he will not be teaching next fall (which I expected) but that his post-doc will probably also not be here (the dept has to way limit the number of visiting faculty it hires) so who the hell knows what I’ll be doing or teaching, but probably not this course we worked so hard on. It may never be taught again, who knows.
                Another mood factor is having the girls here. Makes no sense, right? I am so glad they are here, I really like seeing them, I want them around so much…. But it is also stressful. And it is not always such a happy thing. They don’t really seem to want to be around me very much, they do want to be together which is good, they just seem to see me as an intrusion and more annoying than anything. And they tell me how annoying I am and when I do things wrong. It is wearing. And sad. Remember the days…when I was the center of everything. When I was the best and they loved me most of all. Well those are gone. Expected, normal, how it should be, but still hard as hell. And it just feeds my own crap of feeling inadequate and unimportant etc etc etc. oh well. There will be some good things.
                Tonight we’ll go to Wed Night Dinner so that should be good. Latkes. I need to make something with squash to bring. Tomorrow we were invited to the neighbor’s across the street – annual Solstice gathering. We’ll see how that is. I may bring more roasted kale which is what I brought to the bio lunch. Only I think I may have eaten too much of it and maybe that is why my stomach felt so bad yesterday. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with the regurgitation thing. It is annoying, uncomfortable, and after it happens for a while (after pretty much every meal) it gets painful in my throat. One thing to try is really slowing down when I eat, keeping things very unstressful, and eating not very much.
                Today: grading, bunnies, make the squash thing, get out the gifts I have and see if I still need to do any shopping. I do want to go to Michaels to get picture frames for the photos of the girls I printed up.
                Good stuff, I did manage to meet with the new tax person for mom and I met with a financial advisor that he knows. He pretty much reinforced what I already knew which is that there is not much sense in moving all Mom’s stuff anywhere and that we should stick with the guy she has. He’s doing the best he can. We just need to keep better track of her spending and all.  It is good to have done all that, not that I feel like it is off my plate so much, just not on top of the pile anymore. But the pile is still way too big and that’s another chore for the day: keep on plugging at that. And maybe just maybe I’ll do more spinning. In fact I know I will because to some extent that keeps me sane? Or just that I am compelled? It is a good thing to do when the girls are together in the kitchen and I want to be nearby and to listen, but they don’t necessarily want me in the middle of things. I can’t hear everything they say, but at least I feel like I am kind of part of it all.
Here's some photos of my booth from the latest fair, just to add a bit of color:

Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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