Saturday, June 08, 2013

Lovely Week of Bliss

2013-6-8 Saturday
7:30 am
                My last lovely day here at the farm. And this is the first time that I will have been here a full week. Bliss. And it looks like it may actually be reasonably nice today. Yesterday it poured and was cold and rather miserable. I still managed to card, it was not too windy, but it was disturbing to be on the porch and see the really bad leak that is there in the porch ceiling. Not sure how in hell we will be able to afford to repair that.
                I have done a really good bout of carding.  All the fuschia stuff is done, about half by itself, half blended with angora. I did about 12 ounces of brown/reddish stuff. Yesterday I played a bit and carded up some odd bits and pieces. I may even go ahead and spin those today, since it is just 1-2 ounces of each. I think I may also do some sorting – decide on some dyed stuff that has been kicking around that is really ugly, or too full of hay bits and should be tossed. This in preparation for when I get home and the first big project is to sort and tidy and rearrange the sun room.
                Last night I transferred all the undone things from lists in my old journal into lists in my new journal. Wow. I now have 3 pages of lists! There are things that carried over from list to list over the entire year last year. Sad. I wonder if they will ever get done, or if I should give up on them in some way.
                This has truly been such a lovely week. All alone suits me just so very fine. It is so relaxing for me to be alone. So reassuring, so refreshing, so renewing.
                Well. I guess I will do my stretches, didn’t do them yesterday, see what there is left to eat for breakfast (not much, getting down to the wire), and start looking through that pile of fiber. Maybe I will not card at all today. Or maybe I will do more of the tidbit kind of things, those are satisfying.
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