Tuesday, June 25, 2013

MORE biking, bunnies, etc

6 am
                Well, seems ever so early, but then I went to bed at 9, so not so much. I wish I could just keep sleeping, as I am not feeling very inspired about the day. Not at all. The ToDo list is getting longer and longer instead of shorter. What I really need to do is some serious bunny work. Summer arrived with a blast and it is HOT so I must pluck some buns that need it badly, and I really should clip all the babes as their coats are just tangled and messy anyway, and it would make it far cooler and better for them. And I MUST start in on finances stuff, it keeps getting put off (of course). And of course I get so anxious thinking about it.
                This biking is about killing me. We rode 48 miles yesterday, and it took pretty much the entire day. K rode to the Belchertown end of the bike trail and back (9 miles) really early while it was cool, then he had a client 10-11. I fed bus, etc, did that ride around 8-9, then I don’t even know what I did. I managed to get in a bit of spinning, I had a bagel and read some of the Dickens book, I don’t know. I guess this is a big part of the problem, I waste my time….. but then I was tired from the bike ride. I also took a shower. Anyway, we then left around 11:45 and went to Southampton, back to Northampton, over to Leeds and home, except I took a detour at that point and went to the farm to pick up my share. It was nearly 4 and I was all worried that I would be too late. You’d think after all these years that I would remember that it is 2-7 Mon/Wed, 12-4 on Fri. So obviously I was fine. I hung out there a little bit, picked some peas, ate my second bean burrito that I got in NoHo, texted G who was not there, and finally did the final slog home. Then K had another client and I got a big salad together for supper. And called my friend to let her know that I would pick her up when she gets home from her summer trip. And there were other phone calls, to G, and feeding buns and all that kind of stuff. What I really wanted to do was to lie in the hammock and not move for hours, but it was threatening thunderstorms (which did come) so I had to give that up and do all the other stuff.
 I managed to do a bit more spinning after supper so I have finished the dark orange of this final batch – it is only 1 ounce instead of 1 ½ so the light orange will go quickly and then I will be done and can start in on the purple lichen stuff. No major biking today – I need to bike down to my friend’s to get her car that we will use while they are away, and it would be good if I could get that in time to then drive it to the rental house to meet the window guy (again) at 9. Then I would like to drive around to find some boxes so I can finally get started on the garage in earnest. All our camping stuff from the weekend is on the couch because there is really no place that makes sense for it in the garage.
Another time consuming thing is that I am trying hard to put the litter of white babies out on “pasture” every day. So far they seem to be doing very well with it. I have also been giving them the cut alfalfa whenever I can instead of pellets. For the week that we are gone, I assume our renter will just do the pellets, but for now I am trying this out. There is no way I could do this with more than one maybe 2 litters, it is a lot more work. But one litter a year might work out. I also need to separate the large darker litter. At this point they are in 2 cages and the Mom has been moved out to her own, but one of the cages is a normal size with 5 of them and that is too crowded now. I’ve been thinking of listing the rabbits on Craigslist, but that requires photos, so I guess that needs to go on the ToDo.
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