Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mega ToDo

7 am
                OMG the list is long today:
Send roving to D
Send angora to H
Call E re photos
Get check and bill to A
Feed buns
Put some out to eat
Freeze rabbit
Cook rabbit – stew
Make bread
Contact fair chairs
Make granola (though probably not today)
Empty dw
Fill dw
Start laundry
Hang out laundry
Wind yarn off wheel
Spin light orange bobbin
Spin dark orange bobbin
Get out lichen dyed batts
Finish cleaning out sunroom (fold and put away boxes)
Go for a bike ride – a long one?
Get spare bike inner tubes, a pump, patch kit, water holder
Put mirror on bike
Put water holder on bike
START doing credit card bill splits
Try opening mp3 to see if I can figure out how to get it to play better
Write up job description for fair chair
Advertise rabbits for sale
Take photos of rabbits

                Well that is a hell of a lot. I think I need to reorganize it and print it out for myself. As in prioritize…. Meanwhile, last night was the neighborhood party and it was really nice this year. I made a point of talking to people I don’t know very well, instead of just the people I do know which I have done in the past and kind of defeats the purpose. Our housemate came and met several people who would like babysitting help, and our neighbor would like general help, so those are all good. And I brought rabbit meat! I took some large boned pieces, wrapped them in bacon, seared them on the grill, then turned one half off, and let them slow roast for about an hour. It was really tender and delicious. And very well received.
I finished the next to last round of orange skeins yesterday (thus the need to wind them off). One more set of three to go then I can move on to something else. I think I will start in on the purple lichen dyed stuff.  Also I took a kind of small ride – just to the Belchertown border and back up to Big Y (to get bacon) then home on the bike trail. It had to be short because the weather was getting very iffy and I really did not want to be caught getting soaked. I started out very slow in the morning and feeling rather crappy, but did feel better as the day went on, so I decided to do the ride. I feel in general better today. It has been a kind of long haul from feeling so absolutely crappy on Friday after the sigmoidoscopy (really “”pouch-oscopy”) on Thursday.
                I’ve been trying really hard to figure out how to get music onto the SONY walkman that the girls got years and years ( wow, probably 2006 – ancient!!) ago. It requires the music to be in a different format than mp3, which means it needs a converting program, but I think I cannot get that for the computer, I think the program is too old. Hmmm, I wonder if I could get it onto the other computer. I’ve been trying to find a freeware program that could work. It’s close to getting to the point of being not worth all the time I am spending (have spent). I may need to get a new player which stinks bc they are not at all cheap. I could look on Craigs list…
Ok, turn on other ‘puter,  print up my list, and get a move on.

Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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