My first day with blogging as Morning Pages.... Now I can't think of anything to say, which is very normal with morning pages, even though all morning while doing everything else I do - stretches, feeding bunnies, meditating - I've been thinking of things to say.
Well, this will be very rambly, but that is ok. One thing that I am not at all sure I will like, is having to write this at the computer, instead of sitting in my lovely sunroom (except today it is more of a rainroom). SOMEDAY I will get myself my very own laptop, then I can sit in the sunroom and still do this, as well as many other things. Someday. After we get the dd her laptop, which she will need for going to college, and in fact wants now, so she can do her homework (and facebook) in her room instead of int he living room.
As for things fibrous: see from above, the photos of the pink stuff I FINALLY finished spinning. This has been a long haul because of the hours spent carding and blending the purple, and it was not the nicest fleece, so it took a lot of work to get the bits of hay and tangles out of it, and then I blended and blended in the gray angora. then i did not like it, so I've been trying all kinds of options. I finally settled on this, for which I had to card up the pink and white angora, then blend it with the purple. I am happy with the result. It is super soft and will certainly fluff up a lot, as it contains a lot of angora. I think I will post it on my Etsy page, and I must figure out how to link to that from this blog.
Today's fibrousness: I am working on making some yarn that I can use to make a neck warmer and probably a hood or cowl for my dn and her new husband. I have some very nice dark rambouillet that is super soft, and I think I will blend it with angora. Should be fun.
time to get to it.
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