Friday, October 28, 2011


7:15 am
                Up a bit early and I hope to have time to do a bit of carding before I have to leave at 8:15. First I must drink my lovely psillium and eat my lovely oatmeal (pretty much the last of any breakfast cereal in the house, time to go shopping) so I might as well write. I went last night to a talk by Frances Moore Lappe who wrote Diet for a Small Planet in the 70’s. Her organization is It was a pretty good talk, and I worked on the mitten I am knitting for my niece so that was ok, though it went late, and then I  had to take the bus home and it was *SNOWING*! So that was exciting and I got home late and then had to make a fire (something K seems incapable of doing) and feed the buns.
                Good news, I heard back from the woman from the Hartsbrook school and I can have a booth at their fair. Now I must decide if I want to go for an inside one (and risk having problems again with mothball scent, though I have been trying hard to air things out) or have an outside one. Inside are $125, outside are $50 (seems like they all used to be $50, I guess they realized they were asking too little). I would say it is worth the extra money to be inside instead of out in the middle of November, it is just that I don’t want to worry the whole time that I am annoying anyone with the smell.
                Not sure I’m going to get in any carding, and besides that, it is freezing (literally) out there, so carding will hardly be a cheery thing to do. I guess I really must bring the carder inside, down to the basement I suppose. I kind of hate being down there, but if I set up my cd player and a nice table that I can spread out on, it won’t be half bad.
                This oatmeal is kind of hard to get down, the bread I made yesterday is like a brick…. And I need to find something to bring for lunch – boil eggs! That’s always a good solution. At least we don’t have to do much for lab conference, so I should be able to leave early (come home to a cold house and card!). Man I sound cheerful this morning. maybe I should just read the Balzac I was reading last night.
                No more delay – time to get out there and feed buns!
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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