Friday, November 04, 2011

work and storm

7:30 am
No time to write this morning as I must feed buns, eat breakfast, get dressed and get out the door by 8:30 to get a ride to work with K. Once there I will run at the gym then get a move on for the day. Must start grading the feeding kinematics lab. Must finish getting ready for the practical. Must think about the library. Must continue to get ready for the jumping lab. It has been like this all week. And doing bunnies takes extra long because I am feeding them the branches that fell in the storm. I guess I’ll take the bus home today, as K comes home early. All week I’ve been staying late and getting a ride from him at about 6. Long days. I did manage to do a tiny bit of carding last night. Night before K’s friend came over to shower and do a laundry and it was nice to sit and visit with him. This weekend: NOTHING! As in planned that is – lovely time to do a few nice things. Of course it will get sucked up by grading, messing with firewood, and things like fixing the faucet and installing the new microwave.
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