Monday, November 07, 2011

corgi concerns

7 am
                I’m quite worried about the corgi boy. Saturday night he was clearly not feeling well, and I noticed a rather large swelling or mass on his belly. Last night I showed K and found a second smaller one. I’m hoping he can bring Tigger in to the vet today. Of course, if it turns out to be something awful, well then what? He is getting older and we have to get used to the thought that he will not be around forever. I think I’m ok with the concept, I’ve seen so many critters come and go, but K will be devastated. It will be far far worse than having the girls leave home. He is just so utterly attached to the dog. The other issue is, that whatever the vet might find, I know vets, and she will probably tell about all these procedures that could be done, without really going over the advisability of them. In other words, surgery, treatments, whatever that could cost many hundreds and might not even help that much. But K’s first reaction will be to do anything. And it is not for Tigger’s sake, but for his own. After all, why would Tigger opt for anything that would be unpleasant or uncomfortable? Well, we will have to see. It is tricky because as of now he is still very robust and seems happy. It is not like he is really old and feeble.
                On a more cheerful note, I am quite proud of myself for fixing my small table. Well, I put new legs on it, we’ll see if that means fixed. I am going to bring it and all the carding stuff inside because it is getting too cold out there. And maybe after that I can straighten things up out there. Right now I have one of the big tables there which takes up most of the room.
                Damn, I better go. I want to get to work early so I can have time to run and do a decent bit of prep for lab before lecture.
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