Sunday, March 03, 2013

Morning Thoughts

7:30 am
                Funny. Some folks wake up and right away sit down to a nice cup of coffee to start their day. I sit to a nice cup of psillium. Mmm mmm. Oh well. And if I sit, as now, doing something else, sipping rather than gulping it down,  then, rather than the coffee getting cold, the psillium just gets solid. It turns to a gelatinous mass. When I get up I will need to add more water, stir it up and drink down the globs of gelled stuff. Yum.
                Another morning thought. There is evidence (where do I hear or read these things?) that one’s mood is not necessarily the loftiest first thing in the morning. That one might have more energy and feel more positive as the day goes on. So maybe if I wrote Afternoon Pages, or Evening Pages they would turn out less glum. More cheery. Does sitting here writing help disperse the negativity (spill it all onto the page and out of me)? Or does it just compound it (focus my attention on negative stuff and thus magnify it)? Who the hell knows. Who the fuck knows? Does it matter? Whether I do or do not disperse or compound negativity, I still must get up and going once I finish. And most days in the week I have no time to write anyway, so how I feel is irrelevant to anything.
                Yesterday I managed to get started and grade (well, nearly finish, I later thought of more things I want to say) one (ONE!) lab report. I did that at Raos and to be honest it was pretty distracting. But I felt like I needed to get out of the house.
                Earlier, well, I did go through more of the tax worksheet. I have a few questions, but not too bad. And I filed some papers. Now I mostly just have the huge pile of Mom’s stuff that I have to deal with (for her taxes). Wow, that is a thought to bring on negativity!
                I also managed to pluck Ebony, while listening to Nicholas Nickleby.  And I spun the rest of the 1st 2 skeins of the light angora. It is ready to ply. And I finished Nicholas Nickleby.  What shall I listen to next? I will have to choose something and get it on the computer and thence to my mp3. I wonder if it is possible these days to get portable radios – like the old days of walkmen or (gasp) transistor radios. I would love to be able to run/walk and listen to loud crazy music in my headphones, without having to go to the bother of downloading a bunch of songs. Mostly this would be useful in the summer when I don’t go to the gym. Or maybe, I was thinking this yesterday, I could get the girls to make me a nice long mix of really wild and crazy dance type music, good for running.
                It’s snowing a flake. And I often lately see in the water of puddles the crystal teeth from the frost that lurks in the earth beneath…. Speaking of Frost. Well. Recently at night I have been trying to remember all the letters of the old horoscope code I knew so well. I was upset bc I could not remember all the letters. I think I have remembered most if not all. I think I will write it down somewhere. Maybe I should also write down the words to the poem, though that could be looked up easily enough.
                AND I started something last night that could be fatal if allowed to continue. I started doing a Sudoku puzzle. I find them actually quite hard. And frustrating. I don’t honestly know how my sisters can do them so quickly. I do pride myself on being fairly intelligent. So I was working through this one with some determination. But boy they can be utterly addictive and take up all one’s time. At least that’s how it was with the sis’s for quite a while. They seemed to spend all their time on these stupid puzzles. Not something I want or need to get into. Rather “waste” all my time knitting. At least you have something useful to show for it. And I can listen to Dickens while I knit.
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