Friday, June 22, 2012

a late night

                Well kind of a crappy start to the day as I didn’t get to bed until midnight so now I am tired and expect I will be all day. Maybe once it gets really hot, as it will, I will take a nap inside where it will be cooler.
                Fair meeting – exec comm – last night. It went ok, though long as these things do, and now I must write up an agenda for Sunday’s meeting so I can send it to cochair for her to look at, then to secretary so she can send it to everyone. Or maybe I’m supposed to send it to everyone. Well.
                I did not even manage to finish the purple lichen-dyed blended with gray angora yesterday. I still have ¼ of the mix to even start blending, and the rest (12 batts that are pretty well blended) I want to mix up one more time. I think I’ll do my stretches, eat my oat bran, then get started on that. Maybe for the lichen and fawn angora I will just split it all into the 4 piles and card later.
                I think there is actually a pair of bluebirds nesting in one of the boxes, which is exciting. And yesterday I watched a hummingbird do its J flight up and down back and forth making that funny high pitched clicking sound. Very cool.
                I think the Time Travelor cd is giving me bad dreams. Too much moving around in time and then I dream about it. I also dreamt that we got a new dog and it was a little froufy thing. We were trying to figure out when to have Tigger meet it. Oh dear. AND I think there are 2 Tree of Life or whatever you call that incredibly invasive tree that was described in A Tree Grows in Brookline out by the “tennis court” (in parenthesis as it is no longer a tennis court). I will have to go look closer (I don’t have my glasses on) but I don’t think it is sumac. There are actually a number of invasives around the property. The Trust for the woodlot is going to be paying big bucks to control the invasives there, so we should help by doing it here. Maybe I will take it on as a project for later this summer. I will need to find out what herbicide is best. I think the recommended procedure is to cut them and apply herbicide to the stump. Another thought – to dig up the asparagus that I planted, oh, 30 years ago. There it is, comes up every year and no one ever harvests it, I could perhaps dig up the roots and replant at home. Of course they are smothered in weeds which is partly why they don’t get used. Boy it was sure a lot of work planting them originally. Yet another example of misspent effort, story of my life.
                I guess I will do my stretches, start the cereal cooking, meditate (if I don’t fall asleep) then write out the agenda. Then I will dutifully finish the carding and the book cd because that is what I do – if nothing else I generally finish what I start.
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