Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Biking in the Rain

7 am
                And so the summer actually begins. Yesterday K was home all day, but today, and for the rest of the week I will be alone. Well, I lie, as I think that L is coming home Wed for a few days. And Saturday G moves out to Northampton. So it is not as though things will be even and consistent and homogenous from now through August. In fact the summer will be very jumbled. July 6-14 is the bike trip. July 24 – Aug 5 (maybe – but I may be off a week) is the 2 LSSE classes.
                But let us consider that this is the start. Sort of. Unfortunately it is supposed to rain all day, as it did yesterday, so I won’t be able to do anything in terms of cleaning the sun room. That will have to wait until it is sunny so that I can take boxes out and put them on the deck to go through and organize. Same thing for the garage, it is harder if I cannot put anything outside. But I can still start in. I can list things on Freecycle! I was going to say that I could go to the dump, but I told G she could take the car today. So no dump.
                Yesterday was a bit of a wash so to speak. First off, after I did manage to get done the things I mentioned, I was just going to do some actual spinning when a friend called.  I managed to feed the bunnies while we talked, though the headset thing really does not work. It cuts out too much.  It is frustrating and makes the conversation unnerving. As is trying to use my previously lovely mp3. The headset connection is no longer good so one ear then the other then both cut out if I move around, meaning I can’t really listen while I do things like feed buns, do yardwork, etc. and so what is the point? I think there is another mp3 somewhere’s about, though I think it needs a cord to attach to the computer. And I don’t actually know where it is. Then there is K’s ipod which he uses like 2 times a year. Maybe I could borrow that.
                Back to yesterday. After I got off the phone and finished the buns, by then it was 11:30 and had started raining lightly. The plan had been to bike to NoHo, get lunch, bike back in time to stop at the farm to pick up our share. So we bundled for rain and basically did that. The ride was fine. It rained, but was not too cold. I wore K’s blue parka, he wore a regular full raincoat. We went first to the  Northampton bike shop and I was very grateful to the guy because he kept telling us we did not really need things (like springs) that K kept asking about. Anyway, we looked at raingear and gloves (the guy said we didn’t really need them and he never uses them) and bought back racks since the ones we have are ancient and will not fit on our bikes. I’ll need to see if they would fit on any of the bikes and if not, get rid of them. Anyway, I can now put the panniers on my bike. We then went into town and decided to eat at the Pho restaurant. I really wanted to go somewhere I’d never been. I thought it was very tasty, and hot beef noodle soup was just perfect. Except then we left, it was raining harder, and biking on a stomach full of soup was kind of sucky. On the trip, we will have to time things better. When we stop for lunch, we should eat first off, then site-see, or wander, or whatever else we want to do. So the ride home wasn’t so great and I was cold and kind of miserable. At East St I split off and went to the farm. Managed to fit the share into my backpack and biked home via Bay rd which was also pretty miserable in the rain. Got home, got changed, then drove up to get K who had biked on to Laughing Dog to leave his bike for a tune up. Of course I am getting anxious about all the incidental expenses….. anyway, once we got home I was really beat. I did a bit of this and that, don’t even remember (oh, I made cocoa and toast), and K left to meet 2 clients at 5:30. I dragged the wheel in so I could spin, pulled together a salad (made tahini dressing) for supper, but really I was too tired and not hungry, so I just went to bed once K got home around 8:30. And yes, we do need a new mattress because my back is acting up again – those twinges like I was getting before.
                Ok, time to actually get up (I am writing in bed!) and start the summer……
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