Friday, July 13, 2007

And So On....


Yesterday turned out to be a great day. I sold 3 bunnies to Andrea at Black Berry Hill Farm. Yay – 3 buns off to a good home. AND I did errands, oh how the errands do pile up. I will totally not bore the universe with a list of my errands, though it is tempting since after all, they take up so much time and if I don’t list them, well, it seems like what the hell did I do with myself all day (btw – I LURVE using Word to write my entry instead of writing directly on the blog b/c it corrects my bad spelling and capitalizes my “I”s). I also finished photographing the skeins though now I need to download them. And put them on a cd to bring to the work computer. It never ends.

I plan to go into work today after I get myself to the Food Bank Farm (our local CSA – Community Supported Agriculture farm), and call the store about the back pack part that I need and and and……. (again with the errands – see what I meant about griping?).

So I guess I better go. Oh and we saw Harry Potter last night. It was great – like seeing old friends!


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