Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Dreamweaver/Photoshop Interface

So in an effort to make the pages look better (a very good friend who has lots of web page experience gave me some very good suggestions) I am TRYING to figure out how to put an image or some texture behind my logo. This means getting more involved with Photoshop and it is NOT intuitive. I think (being, as I am, of a “certain age”) that I need to get an actual manual for Photoshop. Most everything they have at work is on-line which does not do it for me. I need an actual book that I can pick up and flip through. I found one old one at the library at work; later today perhaps I can go to the public library and find something a bit more recent.

Meanwhile I have been at least spinning some cool stuff. Someday I’ll perfect the photography aspect of blogging and post photos of these cool things.

And so the day begins – must actually go in to do actual work today (I’m “off” for the summer, but I have a meeting today).


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