Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wellesley Fair Article Link

The Wellesley Fair may  have some unforeseen benefits. A reporter was there from the local paper, and he took a photo of me and put it and some info into his article. Here's the link:


So maybe some folks will visit my Etsy shop, and maybe even this blog because of it. Here's a request - if anyone does visit this blog, found by whatever means, send me a comment!!!! I kind of feel like I write to nobody..... Of course this morning will be a bit disappointing, as there is little fiber or bunny news. Sorry.

My schedule is all messed up this morning. After sleeping poorly because of being awakened in the middle of the night by a howling dog (yes, you Tigger) who we finally found under the bureau – what he was howling about we’ll never know – I had to get up early to feed the adorable wee mousie. It seems somehow less adorable very early in the morning…. I tried to go back to sleep but was just lying there with my brain going a mile a minute, so I got up, and rather than do all the stuff that needs doing, like stretches and feeding the buns, I decided to just write and perhaps thus cool my brain.
    Speaking of cool, it has been hot hot hot (how ya feeling? Hot hot hot) and I am tired of it. It is hard to be outside spinning. I suppose next year, after our basement is all finished, I could sit in there and spin, though I hate being down in a stuffy basement instead of out in the lovely air. It rained last night, so maybe it will be cooler.
       We watched a really dumb Netflix thing about the Universe. The label said it was made in 2006, but it really had been filmed in 1989 and was really dated. So we turned it off and watched a Terry Gillium thing about medieval peasants. I knit on the scarf for Ally, but the trouble is that I must count with that scarf so it is hard to knit it while listening to my French Literature tape, or while watching a video.
    Ok, I guess I’ve rambled enough. Today I will spin more purple/brown – I will be spinning that for quite a while. The new technique of spinning one full bobbin, then another full one with ½ ounce bits separated by a contrasting color, then plying 1 ounce at a time seems to work well. 
Visit my new Etsy Shop!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/twistedmysteries


Anonymous said...

I read you every day- not sure how to leave comments the right way-

nornspinner said...

Hi!!!! A reader!! Looks like you did the right thing. I'm not real "up" on the whole process, but hello!

nornspinner said...

Oh, and that previous comment was me - my user name is nornspinner, from the Nordic goddesses who spun the threads of life - like the fates. Not that I am norse or anything.