Saturday, October 02, 2010

fibery and other ramblings

8:20 am
    K is off to see his folks, he already called last night and just now this morning. I was just at the end of meditating, but yesterday morning I was interrupted also because G came downstairs and I wanted to talk to her before she left. I should be better about setting aside my meditation time more rigorously.
    I actually have an entire weekend with nothing that I must do. I spent a good part of Mountain Day Wed carding dyed angora, and I did some more yesterday afternoon from when I got home around 4:30 until I had to go to First Person at 7 (well in between I meditated and fed buns and enjoyed G and her friends as they tried on crazy clothes for the Homecoming Dance. They didn’t end up wearing any of them, and by the time I got home at 9:30 G was home so I don’t know how long she stayed or if it turned out to be any fun). Back to angora: I hope to do some blending of that angora and spin some up. I want to make more of that really soft blended colored stuff and perhaps make a scarf or two for the Hartsbrook and Big Brother Big Sister fairs. I started a hat it must have been Thurs on the bus, and I actually finished it last night. It is lined up over the ears, then the rest not lined, knit with the green stuff I dyed earlier in batts. I like it ok, not as much as the orangy one that the woman from Wellesley wanted, which I hope to mail off today. The base yarn for that is much softer and thicker. I think I need to focus on other wools than Romney to combine with the angora; I think the Romney is too coarse. Of course I could use Romney lamb. I still have a good bit of Cormo, but it is a pain to wash. Well, I’ll have to work on that. And save the Romney for things like my spinning class because it is easy to spin.
    Wow lots of fiber news. I guess that is the nice stuff on my mind. Everything else I want to put out of my mind. Like 350 stuff I MUST do, and woodlot stuff and worrying about G and college stuff and grading that needs to get done this weekend. And the fact that I don’t really get excited about First Person. I mean it ends up being just a tiny few of us, which is ok, but what happens to all the other people that show up now and then. Do we really just scare them off? Do we seem too cliquey? Is it not what they think it will be? It is billed as Memoirs, but it often ends up just ramble-y writing. And I don’t even write memoir. I don’t really want to write memoir. I have little interest in writing memoir. L is the one that writes memoir. Maybe it should be billed as just a writing group, memoir or anything else. I actually miss J who did, after all, write true memoirs and they were so interesting. I often don’t feel like going and yet feel obligated to keep my friends happy. I really don’t want to put a bunch of effort into coming up with a bunch of stuff for this book that they envision. And since it is only 4 of us at this point, we would be the only ones entering anything and that seems dumb. There have been interesting people over the years, with interesting writings, but they have all drifted away. Maybe it is time to take a break from it, but the others would be so upset. Well, I read 2 poems, and I actually even wrote one in anticipation of the meeting when I got together with them Thurs night, so I guess the group pushed me a bit that way. And besides that I quietly knit and managed to finish the hat. So that is good.
    The other truly crucial MUST DO this weekend is to tidy up. The house is a total disaster (which is what my poem was about!) and needs some attention. I think I will start with that, once I do my stretches, get dressed, and feed buns (it is actually cold out, so I’ll have to bundle up a bit).

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