Thursday, September 30, 2010

the usual....

7:30 am

I really don’t have much time today, but I feel like I need to write.

It’s this 350 stuff that has me truly bummed I think. Well, that and everything else, like how hard the college search is, how badly I feel like I am failing with making a good home situation for G, farm stuff, I’ve done nothing about the woodlot, and how poorly I am doing with anything resembling a “business.” So you see, I am feeling like crap.

The 350 just feels like a failure. And when it occurs it will be even more of one. How is it that we managed to be doing both kinds of things – the pond cleanup and an info event – and are doing neither very well. The idea was that we had the common reserved, so we should make use of it. Once the groundswell for doing a pond clean-up happened, we should have just gone with that and cancelled the event idea. My bad I suppose. Now we are trying to do both with a very small core of overworked folks. My efforts right now should go into publicizing, at the colleges and elsewhere. K let me know that I already failed with the churches, since their bulletins get printed early in the week. I can try to contact some people and ask them to make an announcement, that will have to do. And I need to get the word out somehow to the college scene. Fuck. Today? As if I have nothing else to do at work…. Of course, I was home doing “nothing” all day yesterday. Well, I carded that angora and it took a long time and I’m glad I got it done. And I did write up the minutes. And cut up and bake more of the vegetables, and I emptied the car and went out and ran errands with G. I didn’t entirely waste my time.

Damn I gotta go. Get lunch together, feel buns, eat breakfast, catch the 8:15 bus which means leaving here at 8:10. Ha.

Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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