Friday, June 03, 2011

Writing Idea

9:30 am
                I am having one of my rare brainstorm ideas. I think I might try moving Morning Pages to Evening Pages. I have been running mornings, and once I get done with that and buns I feel like I need to start the day and so MP’s get the shaft. My truly ideal idea – get myself a laptop (and I’m feeling like it needs to be an Apple) so I can sit wherever, even outside, to write my pages. And then use it next year for grading. But that is pricey, and especially given how much I did NOT make at the fair this year, well, it is hard to justify.  I have scheduled for a fairing June, one in July, then a bunch in the fall. Maybe those will be helpful, though even when I have what for me would be a good haul, it’s only a fraction of the cost of an Apple.
                As for today – I have 3 rabbits that desperately need plucking. And I must continue on the seemingly endless task of cleaning the sunroom and getting stuff put away from the fair.
                Today is G’s last day of high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO Go her! Next week is all kinds of wild and crazy fun stuff for her before graduation on Friday. And K and I are going to …… Rochester ………. woohoo.  I will try to spend part of today looking into the Things To Do in Rochester.

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