Saturday, February 09, 2013

Actual SNOW!

7:15 am
                Well now we are talking as far as snow goes.

We have a good foot and a half out there. It is quite lovely. I don’t suppose I’ll be loving it so much once I must get out there and shovel off the porch, the walkways, around the cars. I suppose K will do the drive with the snow-blower.

Anyway, for now I have the fire going and K is out clearing things off for Tigger to get out.

 That of course is the first priority. Well, without the shoveling, Tigger could not get off the top step…. And it is nice that I hauled in some wood yesterday and then K and I hauled in even more. So we have a big pile here inside. It is pretty much all the really soft stuff – lots of poplar – but it will be good to get more of that burned. And I was clever enough after work on Thursday to split some more kindling, so I have enough to last today and tomorrow anyway. And now the fire is roaring and that is very nice.
                As for the rest of yesterday, well a good part of it was spent on line dealing with things. I tried to clean up my inbox some, and dealt with some emails. I responded to the ones about the farm and 61A and hay. I figured out how to use the google maps area estimator, so that was kind of cool. I did a bit of fair stuff, though of course there is always more. And later in the day I finally emailed all the Friday students about their independents. I will need today to get a data set from the Thursday group and get that sent out along with instructions about what to do. But since there is an exam on Monday, the prof might prefer that we wait until Monday to get them that assignment.
                What else? Well K did finally go off to work, but then he came home very early and was entirely glum about his retreat that by then they had decided to cancel. Anyway, once he got home I suggested we go get tea bc I had to go to get some groceries – really just flour and eggs as they were nearly gone. So we went to Panera, woohoo. And we went to Target so he could get a teakettle, and we stopped at the PO in Hadley so I could mail letters. It was thrilling. Once home, I did the student Independent emails, then I went out to feed the buns, and then put on my headphones and made some baked potato chips while listening to Nicholas Nicklebee. We ate, then next thing I knew he was watching that odd Coppers show he has on DVD with his headphones so I felt no compunction in putting NN back on and spinning. I don’t think I have ever written the word compunction before….. oh, and btw….. while listening to NN, at one point one of the characters said that another character was “well.” So there you have it……. So much for my snobbery.
                One thing I did not do at all was to tackle the piles, so I guess I will do that. Not the hemorrhoidal type of piles, the paper variety. Just as bad as hemorrhoids though. And of course first I must get dressed, shovel the porch and do buns.

 I am also glad that I went to the bother of putting plastic/sheets/dropcloths up in front of the cages, as there was a good bit of drifting and they would have been covered. At least now they are dry. I think it is pretty well stopped snowing, but it might blow more, so I may leave those up. And before I do any of that I had better so some stretches; shoveling snow is not the best thing for my back. And at some point I think I will make Pain Perdue with the French bread loaf they gave us at Panera as they decided to close at 2 just when we were there.
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