Sunday, February 03, 2013


7:30 am
                 At around 12 today I leave for Webs for their Super bowl Sunday knit/spin in. I will join the others from the work knitting group there, and who knows I may see others there, too. That goes until 4. Lovely.
                Yesterday: wow, just one day and look what I did: rearranged my room!!!  Woooooohooooo. It started bc I could not get to the file box to file papers. So I moved the file box. I will file things in the box that has been sitting in the basement empty for months. It will be way easier to access. So that was gone and I tackled the boxes of winter close that have been in a pile since December when it actually got  cold. I made them summer boxes with shorts and tshirts and put them in the closet. I put all the hanging things from the closet except work clothes in L’s closet. THEN I cleaned off the bureau, took everything off the shelves beside the bed and MOVED THEM over next to the bureau. And put everything back. Except not everything, I also went through the books and got rid of some. Well, I put them in a box to take either to work or to the dump to the freebie tables. It all looks lovely. Oh, and I took back the little bureau that has been in the living room holding Tigger’s diaper stuff and that is now beside my side of the bed. What I still must do is sort my knitting needles and figure out how I am going to store them more effectively than in a heap on the shelf.
                So there you have it. Lovely. And now I can actually get at the things on my shelf. Next big project is getting the ceiling in the basement done so that can be truly and finally set up. Next. As in eventually. And some of what this project did was to create more piles that I must go through. Bit by bit.
                Besides that yesterday, I worked with the rabbit stew I had made. The one for which I marinated the rabbit in vinaigrette and it tasted too sour. So I removed the rabbit, scraped off all the rosemary and bay leaves and olive oil, put it all back with the sauce and stewed that for a while with more stock. Added a bit of salt, but nothing else that I can remember. Then I strained it to get all the bits out, but added the garlic back in and smooshed what I had strained to get the flavor. It was tasting much better. I put the meat back in and let that stew for a bit. Finally I added cut up carrots and potatoes and the whole thing was quite lovely. I also made more yogurt from last week’s milk and was very pleased by the end of the day that it worked out – using the tail end of the Sidehill Farm yogurt. And I started straining more qurt. I have one more bit to strain. So in those ways the day was productive. And I think the fair schedule is pretty well set. Oh, just one thing to find out from the Workshops Chair – if she wants me to do a 1 hr workshop on Sunday. I bet she will be at Webs today so I can ask her then.
                Fire is started. Tigger asked to go out so out he is, but now he is barking, maybe to come in.
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