Friday, February 08, 2013

Lovely Snow Day

7 am
                SNOW DAY!!!!! The college is closed today because there is supposed to be a huge storm coming. Well we shall see. No snow yet, although the original forecast was for snow starting over night, then increasing over the day and over night. I guess the days of going ahead and having school no matter what (after all most of the students are right there on campus and a good part of the faculty live very close) are over. This new Pres is really into work/home balance and thinks about parents with kids whose schools may be closed etc so that is good. It is of course something of a pain not to hold lab and we will have to figure out a way for them to make up the work. That is part of what I will need to do today. And I will need to email all the students about their independent projects.
                Well, I should be feeling all excited since I have a snow day. Glorious. I will try to do some spinning. I started the final 2 skeins of the fawn angora, now I must spin the other bobbin and ply it. Then I have 6-9 skeins of some darker fawn/gray stuff. At spinning this week I started spinning the brushed gray that I had carded. I am spinning it fairly thick, similar to what I did with the lovely blue stuff I did for my friend’s hat (and btw she called me to say that she loves it! That is nice), and the blue/grey that I did on Sunday. So once I am done with this, I will either skein it up, skein up the blue/gray and have them to sell, or I will use these skeins to knit some thicker angora hats. Hmmm. I do need to keep plugging on the spinning so I have lots of skeins in the spring. I think I will also card more of the brushed angora bc that does come out nicely, and then maybe I can have some in skeins and use some knit up.
                Ok here’s a slightly obsessive thing: I am bothered when someone asks “how are you?” and the response is “I am well.” I find that completely annoying and wonder when the word started being used in that way. To me it would be the proper response to “how are you doing?” and you could say “I’m doing well” as in well as an adverb not an adjective. But it seems like everyone these days uses well in the adjective sense as in I am well. So I decided to look it up and it is all over as that well can be used as an adjective in the sense of healthy. So now I want the etymology of that. Since when did that become ok? But some of the sources say it is just  common in spoken situations, so it might be that the etymolgy can’t be traced easily since that is usually by writings. Even if people in 1650 used well that way when speaking, who the hell would know. Unless it is in some novel or other. Oh brother. Not a very useful thing to be obsessed over and I had best get over my annoyance when I hear it,  bc one hears it a lot. And what am I going to do, yell at them and say  “you are not ‘well,’ you are ‘good’ or ‘healthy’.” Not worth worrying my tiny brain about!
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