Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dealing with the Snowy Day

7:45 am
                Gotta write quickly today as the bunnies really need to be fed/watered. I did them so early yesterday, around 4, and they have not gotten water since. I think I’ll be able to take the dropcloths/plastic away from the front of the cages today, which will certainly make things easier. It was pretty hard to get at them all yesterday. I did it both morning and evening without having any book being piped into my ears (which is what I normally do) and since it was also hard, I ended up talking to myself the whole time. Or talking to the bunnies, which is probably a good thing. Well, I normally say hello to them, but this time I talked myself through each step – ok, now I’ll move this board and let’s see if I can get up under here, oh here’s a water bottle! Now where is your water bottle? Ok, now some food for you…… and all like that. Pretty funny.
                Yesterday was a pretty reasonable day, though it was also physically hard. And I am aching now, I know I will be aching tomorrow. First off I had to shovel out to get to the bunnies at all. At least the snow was fairly light. I managed all that, then made some lovely French toast. After that I think I started spinning the dark fawn angora. I managed to get 3 more skeins ready to ply. I think I have 6 more of that batch to go. Maybe I can do another 3 today…. Then before the day got too late, I wanted to get in some skiing. It was nice bc the road had been plowed but not yet sanded, so we could ski on that. K actually came with me. And he wanted to go up next to the field which was a bit of a slog since, though someone had walked there, really no trail was blazed and what had been packed had just blown and drifted over. I let him go first – his idea after all – and it was not so very bad being behind him. But it did blow hard off the field. And it was clear that even as we skied, our tracks were getting covered right over. We ended up cutting through the bit of woods beside the house at the top of the road to get back to the road, and skied down that way, which was pretty fun. Then I went back up the way we had gone before, just to see how it would be a second time (not much better) and Kent went downhill and then cut through our neighbor’s yard to get back to our house. I turned around at the top of the field and followed his trail, ending up through the neighbor’s too. I thought of calling to warn her before hand, but didn’t. And I thought of calling after to let her know who had gone through her yard, but I didn’t do that either. Oh well.
So after all that, I spun a bit more, did the buns, then we decided to go into town. Well, the official ‘Road ban’ was lifted at 4, so K said we should go find a pub. I wanted to walk in, so suggested that I would walk and meet him there. He said at first that he needed to go to the rental house and so did not want to walk, but then he change his mind, so we in fact both walked in. Stopped at the college bus stop to check on the bus schedule to get home, and then went to Johnny’s. I suggested we just get drinks there and then get supper somewhere else, but the reality was that I was really hungry. So I ordered one of their flatbreads. Good thing, because even with that, the hot maple toddy I had really made me tipsy. And then we weren’t all that hungry. So it was good and we did not spend a fortune on a full dinner. K suggested we go see a movie, and Quartet was playing, to start at 7:15. It was 6, so what to do? Well I suggested getting dessert, and that turned out to be tricky, as nothing much was open where one could get dessert. No Black Sheep, no Judy’s, no Barts. We finally ended up at the Coffee shop, where a silly shortbread  cookie was like $3. And K got another brandy. Since when does he drink brandy? When the movie ended we remembered (wrongly as it turned out – well I did anyway) that there was a bus at 9:15. Turned out it was 8:15, 9:05, 9:35….. so we waited at the college bus stop a bit before we figured that out, then just walked home. So by then I was dead beat and sure as hell glad that the bunnies were all fed.
                And did I do anything with any piles? No I did not. Today.
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