Sunday, February 17, 2013

grading grading grading grading. With a bit of a ski thrown in.

7:30 am
                Seems so lame to spend any sort of time in these pages writing about how well I did or did not sleep, except that when you think about it, one spends a good third of one’s time sleeping, so why the hell not discuss it at great length. Or at least 1/3 of what I write… so – I did not sleep great last night. First off I was cold and was all huddled up trying to be warm. Then I had that back twinge again that I have been having that is rather worrisome. I have decided it could well be due to the skiing – just doing something that I have not done much of, so I am using muscles that are not used to being used that much. It is probably good, as long as I do not actually throw my back “out.” And then Tigger was annoying. He got up at 2 and wanted to go outside. No way I was doing that, even though K often does. Well K is not here. So I gave him one of his additional pain pills and told him to go to sleep. He eventually settled down, and then I managed to sleep and have interesting dreams until he woke me back up at 6:30. Not too bad. I will say however, that he does not seem to be doing well at all. In terms of his legs and getting around. It seems like it has gotten harder to thump himself around the house dragging his legs around, so he just pretty much stays put. I really hate to see it.
                Yesterday was a bit of a bust. I did go skiing early, and that should have been lovely. It was lovely, the snow had not yet left the branches, and the fields were open and snowy and all was very pretty. I skied up along the field to the bike trail and then took that to 116. Someone had driven some sort of thing with fat wheels (some sort of winter bike thing?) so I skied in that trail. It was not actually the best and I will say that it is hard to ski where people have been walking (and letting their dogs walk – one of my pet peeves) so that while there may have been a decent ski trail there, it is now all bumpy and messed with. Anyway it was all kind of rough and hard to get going on. And once on 116 I had to walk the rest of the way to town. At least I managed to get to the library to return and pick up books. I now have the bookclub book about Mumbai so that it good. I already started it and it is certainly interesting and will be a pretty fast read. Then I went to Black Sheep which was crowded and loud and not as great a place to grade as I had hoped. And of course the buses are rare on Sat so I ended up waiting at the bus stop for quite a while and got home later than would have been ideal.
                Oh boy, it is really windy today. And it got cold again, so I had better get out to give buns water and food soon. Then I will have to finish the exam page. And THEN there is the set of cleavage reports. Oh joy and rapture.
                Well, I had better do some stretches, and then bunnies, and then breakfast. Maybe today I will make the French toast. I did spin the rest of the angora and now it just needs to be plyed. Then I think I will get out the lendrum and finish the angora I started on that. It is much thicker. And I can finish all the carded angora on that. At the grocery store they had several boxes of Kool-Aid with red color on sale, so I bought one. Maybe I will dye some of the brushed angora as deep a red as possible. Then I could blend that in various ways, the way I have done with the blue. I finished knitting a pair of angora wristers, and started a new knit bunny.
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