Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day Off!

7:50 am
                Nothing like a nice day off work to brighten my mood. Well, really, I cheered up a lot once I got to work and got super busy with getting things ready for this week’s lab. Being busy certainly helps. So I will stay busy today. I want to start spinning up the orange stuff I finished carding last night. I think I will spin one skein and knit up at least a sample to see how it looks. And I am exhausting another couple bits of dye and will set up a few more. It’s funny – I set the jars up with a lot of dye, the roving ends up very dark and saturated, and there is dye left in the jar. So I add more roving, and it ends up much paler, but there is still color in the jar. So now I am adding a bit more and expect to get very pale color and I hope that will exhaust it. But why, since the second bit of roving is certainly not saturated, does that bit not take up all the dye. There is obviously “room” on the roving for more color. I wish I better understood the chemistry and physics of dyes.
                Another hope for today is that I can get together with my friend. I would love to walk over to her house (I NEED to get more exercise – I am starting to get chubby 2 ½ years after my surgery and I don’t like that). I’m hoping she’s around, I could walk over there, then we could drive back here and she could do more carding. Don’t know if that is a possibility for her. Also I have her watch from the fair meeting and I need to get it back to her.

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