Monday, November 15, 2010

depression (again)

7:45 am
I don’t have much time to write or anything this morning – I want to take the 8:30 bus to get in to work reasonably early. We have to finish the preparations for this week’s lab, and I don’t want to stay too unreasonably late. Reasonable reasonable everything must be reasonable. That is a strange word.
                I’m feeling unfortunately more and more depressed lately. Lately and reasonably. I suppose it is reasonable that I am feeling depressed since it is getting darker and colder. Though it was quite sunny warm and lovely all weekend. Still. I am having a hard time feeling interested or excited about much.  I did more carding between the MS&WF meeting and bookclub yesterday, so I am nearly done with that red/orange/yellow stuff. I sure hope I enjoy spinning it because there is a lot. I’m assuming I will ply it to itself, just a 2-ply, but that could always be changed. I could ply it to the tangerine-y stuff I carded previous to this. Or ply it with some orange angora, since I have plenty of that. Or Navajo ply it to keep color changes more intact. But I want to keep it quite thin. The pink stuff I spun up and then knit into a scarf was really too thick.
                I am also continuing to work on the grey angora scarf which is turning out really lovely. It is nice to sit and rub it on my face when I feel crummy. Like yesterday at bookclub, I just wasn’t into it and I was feeling depressed. I’m not particularly interested in the next book, and I might just bag it, which is very unusual for me. I do get kind of tired of being nearly the only one who actually finishes these books we choose. And I have the Ford book that I am plowing through, so maybe I’ll just read that and skip this other book. Why read it if it doesn’t interest me and is nothing I’ve heard of?
                I will have to skip meditating this morning, but still I had better get going since I have to get dressed, find something for supper, and feed buns.
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