Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sad News and Happier Stuff

8:30 am
                 Some sad news to report is that my M-I-L died last Thurs. K is down there for the week, and I know it is hard on him. For me it is just kind of surreal. It won't really hit home until we go down there for Thanksgiving.
                In other news, here's a dumb thing. I must have left my backpack either in the professor’s office or his car when he gave me a ride home Friday. I was just so flummoxed by it I guess. I’m thinking it might be in his office, since I don’t remember putting it in the back seat, and if it had been in the front I obviously would have taken it out. What I don’t like is having to ask him because there are just way too many situations where it is quite obvious that I am absent-minded, distracted, flakey. And I do not have the excuse of twin toddlers as he does. It’s just my nature I guess.
                Today is the fair meeting. I managed to put together an agenda. The only thing I really did not do (besides not actually having a conversation with the Barn 5 folks – I just worked via email) was to call my neighbor about Girl Scouts. And that is not so much for the whole meeting as for the workshop folks. And I don’t know what we will do about the treasurer situation since we did do not yet have someone to do Vendors, but that is not directly my issue, it is more of a general issue so we can all talk about it. Then at 5 is book club. I am not feeling at all inspired to go, but I will. I have started back in on the other Ford Madox Ford book (really 4 novels connected). Not sure if I’ll manage to get through it. Parts I like, parts are very opaque.
                I spent a bunch of time (instead of doing any of the stuff I was supposed to do) carding. I finally started the red/orange/yellow rainbow dyed stuff that I dyed at the fair last year. It was half of the super greasy fleece that I bought and rainbow dyed as a demo. I’m dividing up colors and carding it with angora in a 65/35 % mix. And not carding it that much so it will be quite lumpy and variegated. I hope. I spun up a small sample, very thin, and like it a lot. So that is a nice thing. I have a few batts left to finish, then perhaps I will spin it up for the fair this weekend. There’s nearly a pound of it, so I suppose I’ll just do a few skeins. And the woodstove dyeing has been going great! Some nice samples of great colors that I can use for the spinning kits. And I started last night to revise the instructions. So that is all good.
the burgundy and fire red angora

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