Thursday, November 04, 2010


8:20 am
SNAKEY IS FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have I expressed myself sufficiently? I found him late Tuesday afternoon. Here’s the story:
I was grading papers in silent misery, having been miserable since losing Snakey on Sunday. There were 2 guys here doing the house sealing for heat conservation, and I had asked them to keep their eyes peeled for a black and white snake. I realized that I was missing a couple of students’ papers, so I went on line to see if they had emailed them, and found one that had, that I had never printed. Not a problem. I turned the printer on and clicked to print it out, and there was a paper jam. Annoying, but not uncommon, as I like to use scrap paper (I warn my students of this, and there is often random stuff on the back of anything I print out). So I opened the paper drawer, but could find nothing. I opened the back and could find nothing. I pulled it all the way out and flipped it over to look from the bottom and DAMN if there wasn’t Snakey’s little head, with the adorable black heart on it, poking out! Of course he immediately withdrew into the innards. I just as immediately pulled out all the cords to turn everything off. Then there I was with this printer in my lap, and now what? There was certainly no sign of Snakey anymore. I grabbed 2 screwdrivers from the kitchen counter where they were sitting waiting to be put away, and told the sealant guys who were just finishing up and appreciated the situation. Then I proceeded to dismantle the printer. I took off one obvious plate, but that did not help. I took off another and that didn’t help either. I unscrewed some screws that looked like they held the top on, but the top did not come off until I figured out that there are tabs that I had to push the lip of the top over, then I could lift the top off and THERE HE WAS!!!! Just curled up and looking at me as if to say “Whhhaaaat???? Got a problem with this?” Yes I did. Snakes do NOT belong in printers, fer crying out loud. So I reached in and grabbed him, of course he tried to withdraw (where???), and hooked his muscle body onto something, so I kind of gently held on and coaxed until he finally relaxed and I could pull him out. It was only then, when I had him in hand and knew he was not mangled, that I called G and told her. She was screaming and zoomed right home!!
    Now we are all relieved and so so happy. I am no longer deep in the dog-house. G has something reasonably good in her life again. And to top it off, the living room is quite spotless! We tore it completely apart looking for him, and in the process took the rug to the cleaners and vacuumed everywhere. It has not been this clean in years. And besides that, it inspired us to get all the junk from the basement that has been cluttering up L’s room, put back down so that she will be able to function in it when she is here at Thanksgiving.
    So, as they say All’s Well As Ends Well.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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