7:45 am
I am feeling
decidedly uninspired today. Inspiration. What is it? What inspires me? Well, I was
inspired last night to take a long walk with not even my own dog by the desire
to do something for the girls. That will basically inspire me to all kinds of
things. After all, it inspired me to drive all the way to Bar Harbor and back,
not something I would normally be at all inspired to do. Last night, we went to
hear G’s band concert. It was very nice (well, mostly the same music as for
July 4) and we had a little picnic on the South Common. After, the girls were
wanting to get together, but L had to do work on her room and stuff at home, G had
to give this dog a long walk. So I offered to do the walk so that the girls could
spend time together and do sister bonding. Was that not nice of me? The walk
was fine, of course, and it got me some good exercise. The dog did not seem to
want to go at first; I kind of dragged her up to the woods, which by then were getting
quite dark. The way back was one big rush. She ran the whole way pulling at her
leash. Then when we got back to her road, I made her go all the way around
which she seemed fine with. She no longer tugged, but she still kept up a good
pace, so much different from taking walks with Tigger which involve lots of me tugging
and coaxing.
So what
will inspire me today? Actually it is very nice that everyone is off and busy. L
may be home mid-day, though she will still be busy as she is trying to get
ready for her wilderness trip. Another thing that inspires me
*note –
I just heard L come back from the store where she went to get more fruit to
dehydrate. Just hearing her come in inspired me to immediately get on
Craigslist to look for a laptop for her….
So what
else inspires? As I’ve said before, getting things done, taking care of things,
going through piles…. So it helps me if things are left out and are obviously “in
the way” so that I am inspired to deal with them. Right now the small hutches
are on their sides waiting for me to finish fixing the bottoms. I got pretty
far with getting the bottom off the second one yesterday, then had to stop to
make emergency picnic supper since the plan to get the church chicken barbeque
fell through (they required reservations which we did not know). Now the tools
are all still out, so I think I will be pretty inspired to finish. Yesterday I did
more anti-moth cleaning. This time it was drawers, so I took everything out and
cleaned the stuff and the drawers. And then….ready for it….I SORTED PLASTIC
CONTAINER TOPS!!! Wooo Hooo. But very satisfying. The basic deal of figuring
out which tops actually go with containers and throwing away the rest. How so
many accumulate I do not know. How long has it been since I have done this???
Also do not know.
the cages, and continuing to look at computers on Craigslist, and doing more
answering emails (and I’ll write up notes from our Fair Fiber Folk meeting,
yesterday I wrote notes from the workshop meeting) I must also do a bunch of
laundry stuff, and I hope I can spin more gray. 1 ½ ounces of singles to go
then I can ply. And that will make 6 ounces, 3 more to go of the gray. That is
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!
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