Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Skeins and Organizing

6:20 am
                I was just dreaming that I was in London. Very exciting. I don’t know why I was there, but I was in the train thinking how exciting it would be to just continue on to Paris, then I remembered that I had to get back for work at some camp or day care. Strange.
                Well. This morning is lovely just like yesterday. In fact, it stayed pretty darn nice all day yesterday, we’ll see what happens with today. And it was a pretty productive day. I managed to do one of the hard things by calling Summerlin about the faucet and they came and caulked it so that was good. I had also found that the downstairs shower faucet was spraying, but decided to try to just tighten it myself, and by gum it solved it. I also did errands, not too exciting, but ok including taking one box of clothes from downstairs to Salvies. It is a start. And I returned the Artisan Bread book to the library, and met a friend for tea (and an incredibly greasy cheese scone like thing). When I got home I spent the afternoon sorting the sunroom which was very good. And I organized some bins with kids workshop stuff to take to and store in the other garage. So those are out of here and that is very good. I kept the needle felting stuff because all the bits of colored wool are in there and if I ever do felt that knitted/felted purse that is laying around, I will need them.  Besides all that I washed and hung out 3 loads of laundry, finished drying the skeins,

 and …… even finally sorted the castings out of one of the worm bins and gave it new newspaper. So I still need to do the other bin, but that will have to await more paper. A very productive day! Oh, and I started a batch of bread, which I’ll bake today. Good since I’m pretty much out of what was in the freezer.And i finished knitting what I will felt to be another hot pad.
We'll see how it looks felted.
                There are still lots of things on the list, and plenty still of hard things. Along with some of them, I think I will start the 2 big batches of angora that I want to spin. I have 9 ounces of brown and 9 of dark gray. That will do me for Apple Harvest, maybe even for the winter fair and Hartsbrook. Well, I ought to do a big batch of white, too. Oh, and one big need to get to today is to pluck a few buns. Now that the sun room is a bit more functional, I can do it.
                I’ve been obsessively listening to Little Dorrit through everything. At first I found the voice of the man reading it kind of odd, but I have gotten used to it and really like it now. Funny how that is. Kind of like personalities. I will be sad to finish it and not hear his voice any more, as I was sad when I finished Martin Chuzzlewit. I only have about 10 chapters to go. Which will I listen to next?
                I was inordinately lazy and did not either run or do stretches yesterday. Naughty naughty. AND we went and got GoBerry after supper. Really naughty naughty. Boy I sure don’t want to go running now. I have been very good about taking my pills am and pm, but I still wake up feeling blah and uninspired. Sitting to immediately write probably helps. I guess the first thing, after I feed the buns, that I should do is to wash the dishes. Or maybe I will stretch and then wash dishes. Or maybe I will stretch then run, then be too exhausted to wash dishes. I also need to decide what I am going to cook all week. And I told L I would try to dehydrate some veggies for her which is mostly just a matter of cutting them up and leaving them to do their thing in the oven. I guess I will bake a loaf of bread, then put the veggies in. And the solar dehydrator will await another time, maybe next year. I got out all those books and have not even really read them.
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