Saturday, August 04, 2012

Tidying and Shakespeare

7:30 am
                I woke up this morning feeling pretty decent – no class, can spend the day doing whatever I want, maybe spin all day. Then I looked around and reality struck. All the massive mess everywhere – bathroom from the new tiling, kitchen and … most of all, sunroom. I managed to empty the car last night which was plenty bad enough, but I just shoved everything into the sunroom. Now it all needs to be reorganized and put away.
Went to Hampshire Shakespeare last night; the set up at the Renaissance Center is weird, it is not nearly so nice as at Hartsbrook which I really miss. The good part is that the actors did an excellent job and besides – it was Shakespeare that in itself was wonderful. Or maybe because it was As You Like It which is silly and lots of fun. I have certainly seen Shakespeare mangled, or done it a dull and uninteresting way, and usually by these big fancy companies. Anyway, this was fun.
                So I guess a lot of today will be sorting and cleaning and putting away. Maybe I will run. Maybe not. I certainly don’t really want to. But it is not too hot, so I should just stick Little Dorritt into my ears and go. Except that I am at a kind of miserable part, the family has come into their inheritance and they are all being awful and now they are about to loose all their money which I guess will serve them right. The only sympathetic character in this section is Little Dorritt herself and she is really more pathetic. So simpering, one just wants to smack her.
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