Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kids and Work and What-Not

7 am
                L is leaving today for her wilderness trip. How cool is that (that she is going on a wilderness trip, not that she is leaving)? I am very sad, trying to not let the sadness overwhelm my appreciation of spending a bit more time together. She is gathering her last stuff, then at 9:30 she’ll go to Morse Hill to finish up some curriculum stuff there, then she drives off to Maine. I decided to bike in to work today – couldn’t yesterday bc it was raining, and the good part was I had Mom’s car to use. Not anymore, so there are a few more tricky days until the bus starts. So I decided to just go in late today and bike. I won’t go to the gym. Boy but I really do feel sad. I know it is a good thing, it is just that every time it is like having a part of me ripped out. And every time it is so sad. Well, she will be back for one day in October, then back for a week or so in late November, then in January who knows. So I shouldn’t be so sad… of course I am kind of nervous about her being so out there in the woods and on these lakes. She will have the satellite phone for emergencies, but still… well it is her adventure and I am glad about it.
                Yesterday went well enough. I met with S and D which was kind of hurried and made me realize that things are not as nicely organized as I had thought and it will all be a bit of a scramble. I must learn how to use all the software and equipment. The respiration stuff is some of the worst, but at least I have used part of it before. And  - best thing – the 160 class will not be using it, so that will make things easier. I think I will start getting it all out and testing it right away. Then there is all the blood and urinalysis stuff which I have never done and involves lots of bits and pieces. Today I will make up a calendar as best I can and start listing what needs to come out and be set up when. Then I will start finding it all and trying out each part. Well, that is a long-term goal, not all for today! Not sure how I will get home today. I could see when K is coming through, that is probably what I will do, meaning I won’t get home until after 6. It will be hard to get rides from anyone with the bike. Of course, I could always bike home. Yesterday I decided to leave not very late, figuring I could bring the lab manual and read it at home. HA. Instead I rested/meditated, then cut up some rabbit for jerky, then started in on the disaster of a kitchen, mostly L’s mess from all her dehydrating. She said she’d clean it up when she got home from getting G at the farm, but I know how tight she is right now with so much she is getting ready, so I thought it would be nice. Then I got supper together, and after supper L went over her itinerary. I have it all down on the calendar. Then I finished the cleaning up and by then, well I had to do buns and then I was too tired for anything but bed. I still haven’t done buns yet this morning. There are several that need to be “done” as I have too many. But no room in the freezer! Well, jerky certainly helps. Maybe I will do more of that. And this weekend I will offer to cook the pork butt roast so that will help a lot. It would sure be nice to get in some spinning. Maybe this evening. Or maybe I will not go in early again tomorrow since there is a bbq at work so I will just stay for that. Tigger is going to have to get used to not getting his supper at 4. More like at 6 some days.
                All that time I spent obsessing over computers was kind of pointless since L decided to get one at Best Buy. It is a fine one for $300. Just like one that was on Craig’s list for about $230 but she has the warranty and it was easier.  I am glad she got it, now she can keep looking for stuff for January and after.

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