Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rush Rush Rush

7:30 am
                Not much time to write today. I am going to bike in again, even though it was a huge haul yesterday. It took more like 1 ¼ hours and I did not go to the gym to shower since it was so late. I am going in earlier today so I will go straight to the gym, shower, change. Then there is nothing scheduled today which is good because I have a shitload of things to do: get a “P-Card” which is what I need to be able to order things, get stuff ordered for early on, keep going through the manual writing down what is needed for each lab. Then at 5:30 there is a dept bbq. K will leave work then, so I will start to bike over and he can pick me up so I can show him where to go.
                I have a lot on my mind these days. Besides work, and L leaving, and the usual stuff, there is the work party at the farm this weekend, I am going to bring the pork roast and finally get it cooked (but never having cooked one I am a bit nervous) and I am trying to figure out a new house mate, as our current renter is leaving at the end of September. We may end up having someone stay in the basement for a while, but that will be a real pain if we must do it. Then there is all the usual like getting laundry dealt with and coming up with food to eat and cleaning the kitchen. Last night I just had to make chocolate zucchini bread for the bbq. I actually managed to get in a small bit of spinning, so I made the bread after that. What I really wanted to do was to just sit and do nothing. But I had to feed buns and I had to make the bread and then I had to clean the kitchen. Now, I must get together lunch food, feed buns and head on out to work. Oh and don’t forget bringing Tigger in and getting his fresh diaper on….
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