Saturday, October 20, 2012

A "Free" Weekend - HA

7:15 am
                I’m sitting in bed this morning to write, as K is on the couch in the living room and he is still asleep. I think he ended up there because at some ungodly hour Tigger started barking, so I woke K up to go deal with it, which I guess he did by sleeping out there. I am still trying very hard to not be the one to do things for Tigger, but to have K do it. Of course I still have to do some, if I get home before him which happens a few times a week these days. Poor dog. Yesterday K took him to the dog chiropractor. He went on and on about it over dinner at Mission Cantina. It is hard for me to get terribly interested because I think about the expense involved, and that I am not sure this is the best thing for Tigger. I think that even with all this intervention – physical therapy, hydrotherapy, massage, heating pads, careful 5 minute walks using the leash under his belly to support his hind legs, and now chiropractic, I think that even with all this he will never improve to where he can really get out and about on his own. He will be basically home bound and even here only barely limping around. It seems unfair to the dog. And especially if he is in pain, which I think he is, since he is always panting. But then last night, when I got a bit upset when Tigger got caught in some wires under the computer (K had fallen asleep on the couch and I was reading) and then when I extracted him I saw that he was really limping badly, K reacted by saying “so you think we should kill him???!!” in that kind of tone of voice. Well, think of “kill him” as “gently let him leave his painful frustrating existence.” Same thing, different words. I realize it is a hard step to take, and I am kind of going to have to leave it to K to decide when that has to happen. I certainly cannot be the one to say – yes it is time to put him down. I just hope K finally comes to that in not too much more time. Seems just so unfair to the dog to keep him alive and miserable just for your own needs.
                Well enough of that. What about today? I have no grading to do which is lovely. I do have to get ready for lab, as in write up some notes, make a lesson plan, review the assignment, think about the flow of how everything will happen. It will be a very busy lab with lots of different things they must do, each of which involves different procedures and different equipment. And each of which has different things that can go wrong. Then there is laundry to deal with, though not too much as I did pretty well earlier in the week keeping up with it. And dishes. That is a big one to start with. I would like to try to get some bunny time in. Several need plucking attention. And wouldn’t it be nice to have some time to spin??? Maybe I can get my friend to come over. She wants to weave a rug, so I could spin while she weaves. Except that I need to finish the rug I am in the middle of before she starts hers. And maybe I can tackle the disgusting pile in the kitchen…. As in paperwork/bills etc. oh god the thought of all that makes my stomach hurt. And I had better spend some time on the computer (the big one which I will have to wrest away from K) entering stuff into Quicken which also makes my stomach hurt. Oh, and earlier today we need to get over to our neighbor’s who invited the surrounding households over for a brunch in honor of their new addition (they billed it as a thank you for putting up with all the noise and commotion!). It is awkward bc I did not respond to their invite until just last night…… well, we will just “put in an appearance” as K always says. I feel like we should pick up a bottle of wine to bring along. We’ll see if we can do that. Meaning, I guess, that I will also have to do some errands, which always take longer than I think they will. So, although I was feeling last night like I had the whole lovely weekend free, in fact, it is quickly filling as I sit here typing . Which  sucks. I think it is time to meditate.

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