Saturday, October 20, 2012

Late Post

Fri 10/19
8 am
                Not that I have much of any time to write. Still I have a few short minutes before I must leave for the bus, so I will take them. Crappy long and discouraging day yesterday. The good part – I managed to get to the gym and run before meeting with the prof. At that point, we had a “bunny” conversation in which it was decided that I would not bring baby buns any more. Mainly, I suppose, because it was too associated with the bio dept and that was not a good thing from the chair’s perspective. As if the bio dept “rents” bunnies to students – which is what was said in an email she got from a student asking to “rent” one. She obviously was not pleased with that. So fuck it no more bunnies. No sweat off my back, the students, who blew it way up to a huge deal, will have to cope. They will be pissed as hell this spring and I will need to find some way to diffuse that so it does not fall on the dept as the bad guys. Anyway what it really did was make me feel like an unprofessional idiot so that was not good. Hell I am unprofessional. If I had wanted to be so fucking professional I would have gotten a profession.
                Ok, on with it. Well lab went well enough until one group absolutely could not get the equipment to calibrate. They tried about 4 times, then I tried, and finally we chucked it and used a different computer and set-up, they did the first part of data collection (resting and walking for only a few minutes) and then they used a different group’s graphs to collect their data. It sucked, they ended up there until 5. That part was fine since I mostly had to clean up respiration equip, and today I must bust my ass getting all the blood stuff set out. The bad thing that happened at the end of lab (while I was hassling with all that) was an altercation about a late report penalty.
                Anyway, it all meant that the day was not only long but sucky and I felt awful. K was actually reasonably nice on the way home (I got a ride) and even in the evening which was nice. AND I made a fire and sat by it, and G came and sat on my lap and we chatted for a long time. Just like old times! Except she is a LOT heavier than when she was 5.

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