Saturday, August 17, 2013

Another Ride

6:45 am
                Ride yesterday: I finished my class at 3:30, spent 45 minutes loading the car, got home, did not unload the car but I got changed and was ready to leave by close to 5. I then biked to the house of one of K’s co-workers in Belchertown. Down the bike trail, Warren Wright, Stebbins, across 202  and then the killer hill up to her house. And it was not so bad. Which gives me hope for Cave Hill since this rose a lot more in elevation than that does. It was very satisfying to arrive all sweaty at the party. She has a pool so I put on my suit and actually went in, which is kind of a big deal for me. I really did not want to go into the cold water, but finally I did and then I did my Harold and Maude swim across and back a few times and it really was quite refreshing. Of course no one else came in, but that was ok.  Not sure if we’ll do a ride today.  We are supposed to go to a friend’s. And before that I have the entire car to unload and lots of bunny work to do.
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