Friday, August 02, 2013

Some Random Ramblings

7:30 am
                Today, or rather this morning’s task is to write up a job description for what I did for the fair for the past several years as co-chair. I actually do not want to think about it, and as I sit here it feels like I did basically nothing. Oh well. I am meeting with the current co-chair this morning at Black Sheep at 9 so I wanted to do it before then. I may get started and then maybe she can even help me think about it a bit.
                Yesterday I did the big bike ride to MHC then around via Stebbins to Bay road and home on the bike trail. Only I got a flat tire on Warren Wright Rd. Still, even with talking to the prof (who I ran into at Tailgate!) then fixing the flat, it took 3 hours for 27 miles so that is not too bad. And it was quite hilly. I have not yet checked to see if the fixed flat is still holding, I will ride to Black Sheep in a bit and from there hit the PO (to mail L’s notebook and, if he sends an address I’ll mail the i-device sock that I knit for someone from the Canal ride) and get new vacuum bags from Sears. Exciting stuff. Then at 4 this afternoon I must drive to Framingham to pick up friends coming from the airport. Which means G loses the use of their car. I have offered our car, but she does not want to be organized enough to coordinate the use with us, so she is going to go back to biking. We’ll see how that works.
                I had better get to work on this description though I really do not want to. I also must feed buns. Yesterday I plied all the purple silk with the 2 strands of angora blend. It came out nearly perfect! The silk ran out just as I came to the end of a 0.5 ounce bit of the angora. But now I have plenty of the angora blend left and no more silk. So I spun up some from a “cap” that is very bright pink/orange and plied that for one skein. It is a bit too bright and overwhelms the lichen purple. Now I will try plying just the 2 angora strands and see what weight I end up with. I may go with a 2 ply for the rest of what I have. I also, last night, cooked up the lovely lapin with olives recipe that a friend sent. It came out really good. K arrived home sick as a dog so he ate some but I’m not sure he cared much. And G had a taste when she stopped by, but she does not like olives. So too bad for all them. I had a hell of a time putting away left-overs because the storage containers are in chaos. I need to solve that issue. Buy some nice new ones? The ones they have at the grocery store are worthless. At the very least I need to sort what we have and toss the excess lids and lidless containers…. Another task.
                I will not be teaching the LSSE class next week (a relief) since only 2 signed up for the younger group, and we will see if they will move over to the other class the week after. So that is good, I have time to get ready. And to turn some attention to work stuff.
                I did not go to First Person last night and in retrospect I thought perhaps I should have. Because the reality is that I am getting pretty lonely these days. And there was the perfect chance to be with some interesting people.
                Well on to the day.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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