Friday, August 09, 2013

Rain, Finances and Finished Projects

7 am
                Well I thought I would go for a run this morning, but it is raining. Which does not preclude a run, just makes it discouraging. It’s just that bike rides take so long. I did what I had planned to yesterday and it was a very nice ride but it took 1 ½ hours. Can’t do that today. Today I must get out all the stuff for the class next week and make sure all is set. Must check over all the wheels – it seems like one of the lendrums was not working very well. I need to check to see how many have signed up in the end. I had 5, then there were the 2 from the class that was cancelled. I don’t know if they switched over.
                Yesterday, besides the bike ride, sucked. I did finances which sucked. Pretty descriptive.             I got stuff from the other house for class, now I just have to sort it all and figure out what kind of boxes I’ll use to bring it to the Bangs Center. It will be better this year if I have different activities in different boxes. And I really need to box up the camping stuff somehow because it is still all over the living room.
                Tomorrow the plan is to bike to Turners Falls to see the bike that our friend is going to buy, then maybe to hang around until the street party starts. But he will buy his bike at 10 and the street party starts at 2. We’ll have to leave very early to get there by 10 (it’s 25 miles). Not sure I want to hang out in Turners Falls for several hours, then have to bike home so late. I suppose we could bike to Shelburne Falls and watch our friend be a tour guide at the Bridge of Flowers. Or not.
                I finished a couple of things and washed a ton of skeins which is good. I got the knitting bag back from Mom so I was able to sew up the fingerless gloves I had knit. I like this design. I used an K1P1 rib, increased to make a gusset at the thumb and made a half thumb, then continued up the palm. They are very thick and warm. I also finished the neck warmer. It is of a very soft wool/angora blend. I used huge needles and just did a K2P2 rib on circular needles. It is long enough to fold over at a neck and is also very warm. Perfect for these summer days. It would be good if I could wear them or carry them around or something to get them to bloom out. Maybe once they are dry I will try tossing them in the drier with no heat and just let them bang around a bit.
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