Friday, August 23, 2013

Getting Things Done

7 am
                I had a really hard night again. I could get to sleep but I just kept waking up. Ice cream at 8:30 maybe??? Not a good idea, though it was really fun to have it with G. She had her Band concert last night, which was great, in the Library instead of on the Common bc of the high EEE threat…. It was actually nice in there because it was really loud which made it fun. And so after I drove her back to where she is house-sitting and on the way we had IC. Bad idea. And so many odd dreams.
                Yesterday I just puttsed around the house trying to Get Things Done. I was reasonably successful though it doesn’t really seem that way since there is always so much more. Day before I managed to clear out the back yard enough to mow. That made a big difference in how things look. Yesterday I did a bunch of spinning – nearly done with the well-blended purple lichen stuff – and I did some paperwork computer kinds of things. I should focus a bit on rabbits today – I need to brush a bunch of them. Not actual plucking, just clean them up. I did vasoline several yesterday, but they need to be cleaned up too. I put ads on Craigslist, Ravelry,and I made up some posters to put around. it sure would be nice to sell those three guys, they are very nice rabbits.
                Tonight, it being our anniversary, K and I will bike over to NH to have dinner at the restaurant that he keeps seeing with the balcony that overlooks the bike trail. Then tomorrow we will go for some sort of ride – I suggested some hills, and Sunday we will ride somewhere with his friend which requires minimal hills and not too far. Not sure if I’ll do another ride today. Maybe I just won’t and will focus instead on Getting Things Done. I suppose I ought to call Mom. I suppose that will be my main social contact for the day. Oh, yesterday we started out by going to get pastries. K was in such a rush to get there, but then we were done and it was still half an hour before the bus would come. So I ended up walking/jogging to the next bus stop. That was my exercise for the day.
                I finished knitting the purple square to make a bunny. It was intended for a biking friend’s granddaughter, but have not heard anything from that gang in a long time. Well, I will sew it up and see what happens. I wish I knew if I would be having a booth at the Fiber Fest of NE. I am on the waiting list and said they could contact me quite last minute. Which means they might do just that. I guess I’ll have to be more or less ready just in cases. That is in November. Then in December there is Hartsbrook and the BBBS fair. I guess that is all I’m doing this fall. Not going to do the Apple Harvest, it just hasn’t worked well for me. And the Fiber Twist, which also did not work well, is in the spring now. I tried to sign up for the NH fair, which is in May but they do not make decisions on new booths until Jan. All fine, since we seem to be doing a lot of biking instead. September 21 in the Northampton ride which I can do, since my friend’s wedding is the 22nd. And then in mid Oct K wants to do a ride in CT from New Haven to South Hadley involving renting a car since the train doesn’t work out (no way to transport the bikes). And soon soon soon classes start and so my time will be sucked up.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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