Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Coming Dark

7:20 am
                I am having a hard time getting going this morning. It is the first in a long time that I have gotten up in the dark which is how it will be getting more and more as we inch towards fall and then heaven forbid winter. It was not actually so much dark when I got up since it was 6:40, but it is overcast and so looks dreary out. I meditated in the “sun” room. I am supposed to go biking (just a short one) with a friend, but the forecast is for rain all morning, so I don’t know. We may have to try earlier than we had planned which was for 8:30.
                My class started yesterday. 7 kids which is one more than expected. One who had been signed up for the previous class that was cancelled joined up last minute. Last year I planned too much and we couldn’t do it all, yesterday I should have had a little more ready to grab and start as some things took less time than I expected. I also brought a snack that I forgot to pull out and that would have been very helpful. My plans are very sketchy as I figured I would adjust and clarify when I got a feel for the group, so I’ll look back over them now and probably change some things.
                Yesterday I actually finally started to tackle my work email. I was so nervous about it. What I finally did to get started was to paste a name into the search function, and have all emails related to that name come up. Then I could delete big chunks at a time if I knew everything related to that name I did not need to look at. Like Angora Rabbits. All the group posts came up and I just deleted them all. I don’t know if there is a way to sort the emails by sender, that would be a good way to do it too, but this is working. I also need to go through and delete all the emails from the spring semester as I never did that. Soon I will be left with the few that I actually need to look at and maybe act on.
                Today I need to get in before the class starts and pay G’s tuition bill. And go to the library to return all kinds of late books and get out our next bookclub book. And deposit L’s check at the bank. I was planning to bike in, but we’ll see what happens with the rain. I could certainly take the bus to campus and then walk from there.
                I think the other thing I’ll do before I go is to weigh out batt bits so I can get started on spinning the next of this lichen dyed angora blend stuff. I have a bunch of batts that are pretty thoroughly blended and that looks very nice spun up. And then there are a few more batts of the layered stuff. That spins up very much like the other skeins I did which I am sick of, so maybe I’ll so something with them to mix things up a bit. Ply with something dramatic? Put them through the carder once more to blend it more fully? I’ll have to think about it.
                I did 2 lovely food things yesterday. I baked a loaf of sourdough and roasted some eggplant. The sourdough had been rising for several days in a bowl, first on the counter and then in the fridge. I put it in bread pans yesterday morning and left it all day, finally, even though it was still not particularly risen, I put it in to bake. And it came out fine. Of course it is super dense and quite sour, but it is good. As for the eggplant, well K brought home fish to bake for supper so I decided to bake some eggplant at the same time. I cut it up, tossed with plenty of olive oil, and spread it on a baking sheet and let it roast. After the fish was done I turned the heat up a bit to really get it roasted and it was delicious. May have to do that some more as there is plenty of eggplant!
                I guess I’d better call my friend to see what she wants to do about biking. And I gotta do the buns. Speaking of which I took some photos and posted the young guys on Craigs List again.
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