Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Food Bikes Skeins and Kool Aid

8 am
                Busy day ahead full of just busy things. Like cleaning up the kitchen…putting away class stuff…dealing with this and dealing with that. I reread the email last night from the woman who is starting the consignment shop. It is terribly complicated with all sorts of things that need to be filled out and written up. I mean it is not really so complicated, but there are steps that must be gone through. So I should go through them. And I MUST get started on work stuff. A today is the day to make a big Survival Center/Dump run because I have the car and I will not have it on Thursday when the dump is next open. I also have a whole bag of tomatoes from the share to deal with. I cut up and roasted 2 eggplants which came out very nice, and I roasted 2 whole ones which came out not as nice. The plan is to cut them up and make a salad. We’ll see how that turns out. And I picked up 2 ears of corn last night on my way home from taking G home (we had GoBerry after her community band rehearsal which was very nice) so I can make ratatouille. Which only I like, so I don’t want to make too much.
                I finished our book club book – Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes. I liked it, though the actual ending I found kind of artificial. But it is sticking with me, so that is good. I will think it over and maybe re-read. I also got out a few others by him, so perhaps I will read those, too.
                Oh, and I figured out (duh) that my friend’s wedding is on Sunday September 22 not Saturday, so I actually could sign up for the Northampton bike ride. I will have to find out if there is still room and which ride K signed up for – I think the 40 mile. Yesterday we rode to the farm to pick up our share. We attached milk crates to the back racks, and I rode back with a big watermelon and bag full of carrots/eggplant in mine which was pretty heavy and really put the balance off. I will have to get used to that. It is just that the panniers were getting caught in my wheels.
                I plied 3 skeins of the blended purple stuff and it is really nice. I am liking the fully blended much more than the partially. I have 6 more batts of partially blended stuff that I decided to make into quasi-sandwiches. I layered them with bits of cut up yarn (that I carded a bit to break them up some) and some silk. We’ll see how that turns out. I fixed the old solid wood wheel, so can now put that away. I do need to take the carders apart to clean them out, they are pretty clogged with fiber. Oh, and I tried out a different Kool Ade dye technique. I got really sick of using up all the plastic bags, and having them leak and make a mess. So I tried just putting boiling water with the koolade and roving into a cottage cheese container. By a few hours it was pretty done, and when I left it overnight the dye was completely absorbed. So as long as I get hold of enough containers (don’t need covers) that would work way better for a class like this. The bags are good for the fair – it is outside, they use them just once anyway, they can label with their name and once they are out of the steamer, they just take them away.
                Gotta feed the B’s.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/twistedmysteries

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