Thursday, August 11, 2011


7 am
                Busy day yesterday, busy day today. Yesterday was very productive in terms of Dealing with Hard Stuff. The Animal Control officer came around 10. Before she arrived I did all kinds of moving around of rabbits, just so the moms and babes wouldn’t look so crowded. In at least one case I’ll leave them like that and just return the mom twice a day to let them nurse. The others I put back together, but will probably do the same with them in another week. Except in another week I won’t be here, so I guess I’ll wait until I get back. After she came (and it went fine, all set), I went to a friend’s to get the babies I’d left with her (her son kept the one he decided he wanted). Before getting to her house I stopped back at Verizon to clarify setting up the texting for all our phones. After her house I kind of dicked around while G and 2 freinds made pesto and other elaborate food for a picnic. It was fun having them there, though I tried to keep my distance…. I also organized Mom’s financial stuff and at last I called her advisor’s office. Of course he was not there – in Maine. This guy definitely lives good, going to the cape every weekend and then to Maine to “visit clients.” He probably has very high end type clients with big bucks. Anyway, I set up to call him today. Then I called and spoke to the woman at US Trust, and I talked to the b-i-l about finding a new accountant. All these were, for me, hard calls and I finally just did them. Good for me! Then I made the decision to buy that roll of welded wire which I did by calling the company. It means that today’s project will be to drive over to get the stuff and that means also stopping over to take Mom to lunch. She will like that. And… big deal… G will come with me! So that should make it fun. I guess we’ll need to leave at 9, meaning if I’m going to bike (instead of running today) I’d best get going soon. Bike til 8:30, that will just leave time to feed buns, shower and eat breakfast. I really really hope I can at the very least gather the materials for the next garden bed this afternoon so that I can work on it tomorrow. Maybe I can actually get it made this afternoon. That would be great. There are still so many calls and arrangements to make like:
·         work on this sept 24 event committee that I signed up for
·         find a time that the MSWF executive committee can meet
·         find a time that the workshop folk s can meet
·         write up the stuff the prof and I talked about and add in notes from last year
·         pack and get ready to leave on Monday very early
AAUUGG if I think about it all I will, as usual, get completely overwhelmed. ONE STEP AT A TIME.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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