Sunday, August 28, 2011

Storm Before and (almost) After

7:30 am
                Yes, indeed, hurricane is coming, but we are ready, by golly. Or as ready as we could be having spent ALL DAY yesterday working on it. Right now it is just raining, kind of intermittent going from drizzle to heavy in half hour or so cycles. The wind is supposed to pick up around noon. I have cages set up in the basement to accommodate bunnies if need be during the worst of the wind. Of course, if the power goes out and the sump pump fails, that might be a problem and I guess in that event we’ll be hauling blocks in to lift them up. Lots of ifs. I also have space in the garage, but that will only fit a few cages. I used all the small extra cages in the basement, figuring if need be, we’ll carry the big cages into the garage. It will be a total pain if I need to do it, but at least it is more or less ready. I also brought a big bag of mixed feed inside and the barrel of hay so that at least I do not have to open the feed bin and get rain inside it. I will still get soaked myself when I go out there to feed which will have to be soon. When I first got up there was a rain lull, and I obviously should have fed then, but now it has picked up, so I guess I’ll need to don the big raincoat.

                We also “battened down all the hatches” yesterday. We took in all the porch furniture, and anything else lying around that might blow. And we put heavy cinder blocks on things that we couldn’t bring in. So I’m hoping we are ok for wind, which may gust up to 70 mpg. Of course if the willow tree goes, well that is that. And we got most things off the floor in the basement, but if the sump pump goes, well that is that, too.
                Besides all that (after all that) I made peach pie last night because when I went to the CSA farm they gave me a whole bin of peach “seconds” when I told him them I wanted to freeze some for the girls to make peach pie in October. Well I did freeze some, and we had peach shortcake at a some friends’ Friday night, and there is still plenty there. So I made pie, and there is still plenty. I’ll freeze more. Maybe make some chutney? Or just eat them. Smoothie smoothie smoothie.
                I guess I’d better don the gear and feed the buns.

Same Day -  3:30 pm 

The Storm
They say there’s a lull
Before a storm
But I wouldn’t know.
We were too busy to notice
We were scurrying around
With the packing things up
Weighing things down
Stuffing things away
We took inventory
Stocked up
Made it all tidy and tight
Now it’s past
And I found out
There’s a lull after the storm
It’s a good lull
A “made it through” lull
A “sit quiet with nothing to do” lull
(Only because the storm passed over,
Petered out
So the tumult and wild fury
Went by with more of a steady “whoosh”
Than a crashing “Bang”)
So now I can sit
Watch the last of the wind
Sway the trees
(Well, it’s not over yet
We may still see some damage)
But mostly it’s warm
The clock is ticking quietly
The dog’s asleep
I am alone in my private space
And a lull feels good.

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