Saturday, September 01, 2012

Pork Butt and WORK and fatigue

7 am
                Bunny rabbit bunny rabbit bunny rabbit for the first of the month.
                Boy I am in a sour mood. Seems like I should be ever so happy to be here at the farm in Clarksburg  with no bunnies (speaking of which) to feed, no Tigger to deal with, away from anything that needs doing at home. I guess it must be a hold over from being so darn tired yesterday. I woke up (a few minutes ago) feeling hung over. From nothing. I ate an omelette for supper and nothing after. Left around 8:30 finally after feeding buns, packing, washing the dishes, gathering tools for brush cutting. So that got me here around 10, then I chatted around the fire they had built on the “tennis court.” It was only my generation there. The kids are coming today sometime, I don’t know if Mom is here, she usually gets up pretty early and I have not heard anything. K was in a royal funk last night. He came back from whatever he had to do at the other house (clean out the fridge I think) at around 6 and looked terrible. I had to show a potential renter our room then I made the omelets, which we ate while he looked miserable. He was just really really tired and fed up from such a hard week. So he finally confessed that he really wanted to go to a friend’s for a beer. Which is fine, but I didn’t want to wait until this morning to drive up, since I must get this butt in the roaster soon. I was thinking that I needed to get it in around 6, but that is bc I was thinking it was 7# when it is really more like 5. So I think if I get it in by 8 that will be fine. It might take as long as 10 hours, but maybe less. I packed it with “rub” (lots of jokes about rubbing butts…) yesterday before work so it is ready to go. I’ll do it after I write.
                I think I am also suffering after a really hard week. Such a big switch over this year from my lovely peace and quiet to being pretty overwhelmed with everything I must do. And not getting much of any help from the prof who is really busy. I am pretty much on my own to just figure it out. I pretty much figured out the ordering and ordered the hearts and kidneys that we need. There is more needed, but not til later so there is time for that. I got all the respiration equipment pulled out and put together one set up with the computer. Now I just “just” have to figure out how to use it all. I go the plain flow rate going ok, but the flow vs volume did not do what it is supposed to, and I have no idea about the whole Co2 monitor and heart rate set ups. And that is just the respiration which I have used before. I have not even started with the cardio stuff. I had wanted to get started with all this over the summer, but the retiring instructo was very dismissive. Well now I pay the price. So it is amazingly busy, and then the students will arrive… and then there will be grading…. I would really like to go over the labs with an eye for what they need to actually do and turn in. so far I have been going over them with an eye for what materials are needed. Ok. Well I won’t go in Mon, then Tues I will need to hit the road running. And I do have stuff with me so I can do some here. And even with my lovely computer!!!!!
                There was a beautiful mist everywhere earlier this morning. I should have been appreciative of it. And the hydrangea are in their full glory. Apparently the new windmills can be seen from the lower field, and I could have seen them on top of the mountain if I had looked which I didn’t.  That will be kind of odd.

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